Bound [bondage][nonconsensual]

I wake up I feel disoriented and unsure of where I am as in a fog. As the fog begins to clear I realize that I am blindfolded and my hands are tied off above my head. My legs are free and unbound. I then become aware that I am completely naked and laying on a bed.

I try to recall how I arrived in this predicament. I remember getting off work and walking to my car. I sat in my drivers seat and that’s when something was placed over my mouth and nose! I was kidnapped! Where am I? Who took me here? I start to panic and wriggle my hands trying to get free.

“that’s no use.”

The voice scares me still. A strangely familiar voice but completely unsure of where.

“who are you and what do plan on doing to me?”

He chuckled and I heard movement near me. I felt him sit near me on the bed. I move my body away from where I sense him.

“oh baby don’t run from me you will only make this more fun for me.”