Private Encounters [M] [F] [reluc] [mast]

He liked sucking her breasts. In some ways she reminded him of his mother and his first wife. Her breasts were what attracted her to him, but that’s not what kept them together. She tried to dump him several times. He was married and that’s not what she wanted at all. But in a moment of human compassion she succumbed to his sexual urges and he succumbed to hers and what started as a deep friendship ended up in bed. What do you expect from 2 love starved adults? It was good!

They were distant lovers, too far apart to continue a physical relationship, but they stayed close anyway. They read books together and engaged in deep philosophical conversations. Occasionally he would go off the deep end and she would get too sanctimonious and “holier than though”, so they would take a breather from each other for a time. She continued on with her life and he continued on with his, but they both stayed close to each other in an odd spiritual sort of way.

Wet Dreams [F] [Str8] [mast]

It was a picturesque morning, an idyllic scene. The weather was nice, the sun was out, the botanic garden wedding day was better than any day they could have imagined. The white trellis with the vine of purple flowers intertwined hung over them as the minister read their vows. They had just finished listening to Kem belting out “Promise to Love” and now it was their turn to consummate their love on this wedding day.

She remembered the day so vividly in her mind.

Repeat after me.

I, Mia, take you, Mark, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

She had repeated these vows, over and over again in her head as she lay in her bed missing him. Missing his smell, his manhood, his love. He was long gone, but she remembered the W. The short time they had spent together in a torrid love affair in the streets of Manhattan. How could she forget? How could she forget the late night at the movie theater watching the Matrix as he dozed in and out of sleep? How could she forget walking down the street, arm in arm without a care in the world. No fear of detection, alone to be who they wanted to be, and together at last?

The Hampton Inn [NSFW] [MF] [some bondage, some spanking]

Their ritual was well rehearsed and well played. She knew her role and she played it exquisitely. At least once a week they met for a couple of hours at the Hampton Inn. He used her and she used him for pure sex and soulful lovemaking.

He was the aggressor, the Dom, and she was his submissive. She loved their sublime exchange of bodily fluids and he fell head over heels for her too. She knew what to expect, yet every time it was different. Every time he took it to another level as their love grew. Every time she had just one more orgasm before he packed up his bag and went on his merry way.

It was always during the day, between 9 and 5. It had to be outside of their family time. And the Hampton Inn was not too far away from either one of them, only 15 minutes with no traffic. It was their favorite spot because they got reduced pricing for 4 hour short stays. Quiet as kept, a couple of hours was all they needed for their weekly existential experience.

Finger Fucking Nun [NSFW] [fm] [mast]

Author's note: I hope I'm not breaking anybody's heart with this one. I just had to get it off my chest. I went to a catholic school when I was young and was brainwashed by the nuns in catechism class. They told us we would go to hell if we masturbated. I've still got hang ups to this day…

Finger Fucking Nun

She was a nun who liked to finger fuck. I guess it had something to do with her solemn vows. She had to remain a virgin, but that didn’t stop her from having a little fun every once in a while. She let me stick my finger inside her. Sometimes I would stick in two fingers and work the clit. She could cum so fast, she must have been thinking about it all day. She liked vibrators too. I got a kick out of watching her cum. She would roll the tip of the vibrator around her clit until it got nice and hard. Then she would work it in and out until she was squirting cum. Her pussy got so wet as she did this same routine over and over again, maybe 2-3 times in one night. I liked it because she let me lick it up when she was done.