Desperate times call for desperate measures [M/F][coercion/prost]

Tara had been having money issues for the better part of a year now. Struggling to keep a job while raising a son on her own was really taking it's toll on her. She had just received a letter from her building manager informing her that rent was increasing again (second time in two years), and that if she couldn't pay off what she owed, she would be out on her ass in a few months.

She took to facebook to air her problems, hoping a friend would come through with some part-time work she could pick up to make ends meet. As the weeks went by and Tara got more desperate, She began to consider applying at strip-clubs as a server, dropping resumes off at hooters and other local sports bars in the hopes of finding something. A month and a half had passed, and she was still searching for work. She posted again about needing $500 dollars by the end of the month or she would be homeless. A real sob story by any account, but I knew the time was right. She was desperate enough.