The Time I Fucked the Groom at His Wedding Several Times [26F]

So Jacob and Janet decided on a destination wedding. I don’t really know the details. I wasn’t even invited.

A few days before they’re all due to fly out my BIL got Covid. He had to cancel. Em was somehow not infected. She asked if I wanted to join instead.

I debate. Do I REALLY want to go to this thing? Jacob and I haven’t talked in a while. Ahhh fuck it I say. I need a break. We are all adults. Are we not? Turns out. Men in fact are not adults.

I tell her I’ll get my own room. We argue as siblings do. Em doesn’t like wasting money and she has a perfectly fine paid off room. That’s the whole point of inviting me. Finally I tell her something to the effect of “I’m going to be fucking randoms while I’m there Em I need my own room.”

“Why are you like this?”

“You’re just jealous I’m not married”

She calls me a bitch and our argument is over.