Tinder Match Part 1

I woke up to the familiar sound of a text coming through on my phone, it’s a selfie pic with a message that says “ Good Morning!”

I could almost hear the words being whispered in my ear, recalling the sweet sound of her voice from the phone call the night before.

I reply back thanking her for the pic and asking , did you sleep well?
About 30 minutes pass with no reply so I gather my thoughts and sit down at my desk to focus on work.

Another hour goes by and I hear a ding from across the room where my phone is, I quickly finish up what I’m currently working on and get up to check who was texting me thinking it was a client checking on the status of his project that’s due soon.

I see her name on the screen and another pic but no message this time…

Her selfies always make me smile but after taking a closer look, this one is different. It’s not a selfie at all, it’s a pair of panties hanging from what looks to be a finger!

First Date Part 3

Trying to gather whatever energy we can muster up, headlights moving closer and closer as the air around us begins to illuminate the darkness from the stranger headed our way!

Extremely weak from the incredibly intense orgasms convulsing through our bodies, we make our escape… Sliding down off the hood of the car unto the wet, dirty ground as we make our way into the nearby woods crawling as quickly as we can, not to be seen in our vulnerable state!

Dripping wet from the mixture of rain pouring down upon us and the sex enthused sweat leaking from the pours of our skin racing down our bodies…. Did they see us Kelly? I asked as I joined her, peaking back out in the direction of the arriving visitor.

Hiding behind the tall thick trees and brush lining the parking area around us, the unwanted car pulls up and comes to a stop. The once steady glow of the amber colored headlights were now joined by flashing blue ones!

SHIT!!! It’s a fucking police officer! What are we gonna do now?! Kelly whispers in a panic…
I don’t know yet, just let me think for a second.

First Date Part 2

Dripping wet, the coldness from the raindrops of her soaked hair brushing over my thighs and her mouth consumes me.
Her tongue twirling over the tip of my dick as she grasps it into her hand getting me hard again as I begin to drive down the road.

The warmth of her mouth, the saliva of her tongue lubricating as she is having her way with me. Doing my best to focus on the road and not letting
the temptation of just closing my eyes and enjoying what she is doing get the best of me I keep complete focus on the road ahead.

Glancing over to the passenger window and seeing the reflection of her soft round ass sticking up in full view of passing cars and people walking around as she is leaned over sucking me slow and steady has me even more turned on!

It was at that moment I realized she wasn’t staring at the deer grazing in the roadside fields as we headed to the movie theatre earlier, she was watching the reflection of me adjusting the bulge growing inside my pants as I did my best to cover up the consequences of the dirty thoughts that took over my mind due to the way she looked in that dress as her cleavage and long smooth legs drove me insane!