This happened last winter on my birthday. Back then we were renting a room in an apartment. Our neighbor in the next room was a police academy student who’s already started working as a policeman every other night.
Me and my gf are occasional tweakers, we like to smoke meth every other week and fuck for 10 hours straight. And since it was my birthday, we (surprise surprise!) decided to do a fuckton of it.
4 hours into our meth-fuelled fuck marathon, we hear the front door open. We thought our neighbor wasn’t t going to come home today, but apparently that was not the case. Even worse, he brought two of his friends with him and they’re all shitface drunk. We stopped fucking, I get to the hallway to ask them what’s up, we exchange a few words and they proceed to their room.
So the night’s already kinda ruined since we’re high as fuck and obviously too paranoid to continue fucking in fear of our cop neighbor discovering us. With nothing better to do, we decided to smoke more.