Parental Guidance Required (My First Attempt at Erotica)

Hey guys! This is my first attempt at writing Erotica, so there may be stuff in here that could absolutely be improved. Please feel free to leave some constructive criticism in the comments telling me what you did/didn’t like and/or what you think I should do differently! It is my second draft of the story, but it still isn’t complete (had an ending but it sucked). Honestly, not sure where to take it from here (if it even needs to go longer, who knows?)

Parental Guidance Required:

The living room wasn’t very big. The center of it was dominated by a large, square coffee table cluttered with med surg books, fast food wrappers, and the odd sock or two. Two recliners reserved for Mom and Dad (or the dog when Dad was gone) were positioned along the south wall. Layla and myself were laying on a couch along the northern wall. A large TV showing *Gold Rush* stood atop the entertainment center on the west wall, which opened to a hallway on its south end. Layla’s younger brother was sitting on the eastern couch trying to watch the TV show.