No Passionate Men on Earth part 3

Link to Part 1

Link to Part 2

The upper bunk stayed empty and after Alice’s mind and body calmed, she drifted off to sleep. The night’s events were unexpected and intense and her dreams were the same. Large men using her body over and over again. Mel was there helping them and joining in.

Alice awoke with her hand over her crotch. It was already wet. Melanie was curled up against her, her face buried in Alice’s neck. Moving slowly, she slid out from underneath Mel’s arm and went to the bathroom. She made herself a pot of coffee and sat at the small table they shared.

Melanie woke up about an hour later and headed straight for the coffee pot. “Morning.”

“Good morning” Alice replied. They got dressed in their matching jumpsuits and prepared for the day without saying much of anything. Alice was waiting for Mel to bring up the night’s events but she doesn’t. The day goes by quickly and Alice and Mel are separated for the day’s duties.

No Passionate Men on Earth part 2

Link to Part 1 –
Alice laughed as she peered over the edge of the railing at the street below. Andrew’s prize bottle of liquor smashed on the ground below. “He’s going to be more upset about that than anything that happened tonight” she thought as she walked back inside, closing the sliding door. Still shaking from the intense orgasm, she crawled in to bed in just her robe. It was an hour after she had dozed off when Drew came back. “Ali……Ali….you awake?” She heard him call out but ignored him, opting to stay quiet instead of deal with his garbage.

She awoke with his back pressed against hers. The sunlight coming in the window was blinding her and she got up, racing to the coffee pot. She knew morning sex was out of the question so caffeine was her best bet to wake up and at least appear happy throughout what would certainly be a long day. She opened the bakery box on the table to find a chocolate cake with “Bon Voyage, Ali!” written on it, Drew’s uninspired attempt to do something romantic. She grabbed a fork and was through half of the cake when he woke up.

No Passionate Men in Earth part 1

–In the year 2080, in order to eliminate war and violent crime, new advancements in genetics allowed human aggression to be mostly eliminated. Though wars have stopped and crime is down, a mutation has occurred that overrides the genetic manipulation, giving way to powerful male specimens. Anger and aggression cannot be switched off. Several years of intensive therapy have proved to be worthless.

Human rights activists have banished the death penalty, even for these males and a new solution is created. Off world colonies are developed as institutions maintained completely by the inmates. Colony Alpha X4 is set up to house the most dangerous sexual assault criminals. With no guards, the weakest of the inmates are killed off quickly or used as slaves for the others. No female government personnel has been allowed onsite since inception until now.

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