Breaking in Becky [MFf] graphic – abduction, forced, gore (fiction)

You knew I was depraved when you met me, but I don't think you ever realized just how twisted of a mind I have.

That all changed when Becky started treating you like shit. Your classmate Becky was always the mouthy little bitch. She couldn't have weighed any more than 110 pounds and she was a couple inches shorter than you, even in those red high heels. Despite her attitude, she had a tight body and nice, I would guess, B cup tits. Easily a girl I would fuck often, if I wasn't already pounding you. However, Becky needed to be taught a lesson in respect and I devised a plan to teach her.

The plan was simple. Becky routinely stayed late for "extra credit" with her favorite math teacher, Mr. Davis. Such a slut! Patiently, we wait in the parking lot. Bruno Mars playing in the background until suddenly the side door opens. Becky planned to cut across the field next to the parking lot. She wasn't paying attention and wasn't prepared for us. Swinging the crowbar swiftly, I knock her to the ground in one clean shot. Scanning the open field, there is nothing, silence. I look back at you, your face has an air of pleasure but also disappointment. I know you too well, you're excited we have taken the whore down but pissed you didn't get the first shot at her.