Loving Him [mf] submissive female

This one is from the heart:

Before I met him, I was dying inside. My mind, which often betrays me, was at war with itself. Dragging me down to the depths of depression and anxiety. Telling me I was worthless. I didn’t deserve happiness and would never find it.

Then I met him and he revived me. He showed me how to have fun again. Made me feel alive. Gave me my spark back. I look forward to each time I see him, because I know we will find some way to have fun together. He's shown me how to like life again.

And he doesn’t shy away from my desires. He knows I want him to control me in the bedroom and he does. I want to bend to his desires. I want him to use me.

So last night when he took off his belt, wrapped it around my neck, and led me to the bedroom, I went willingly, silently. The anticipation of what he would do to made my pulse race and my panties wet.

Categorized as Erotica

Submissive [fm] submissive female


I love being tied up, spanked, choked. I love being at someone’s mercy. Surrendering control and obeying commands. Being the perfect submissive.

My preferences in the bedroom are a complete departure from how I act in my every day life. I run a small company. I have to give orders all day long. Make decisions that affect people’s lives. When I come home, I want to shed the business suit and become the person taking orders.

Despite my preferences in the bedroom, I married a tame man who wouldn’t dream of taking control of me. The whole thing scared him. He said he just couldn’t do that to someone he loved. But he could, apparently, cheat.

So I left him and replaced him with a guy who could be willing. We had been dating for a while and he liked to take control in the bedroom. I wanted him to fully dominate me, but I couldn’t bring myself to discuss exactly what I wanted him to do.

Since a picture speaks a thousand words, I decided to send sexy photos depicting what I wanted rather than telling him. So I put on a leather corset, leather thong panties, fishnet stockings, and leather high-heeled boots.

Arousal [f] [masturbation]

My pinhead boss sent me to the library to research concrete specifications to determine if there was some basis on which to establish negligence against our client. I wanted to go take a deposition. Argue a motion in court. I wanted to do something, anything, to distract myself from thinking about the night before. And researching concrete specifications wasn’t going to do it.

It had been our first night together. The first time I felt his hands running over my bare skin. The first time I touched the muscles that rippled under his bronze skin. The first time he stared into my eyes as I felt him deep inside me. He could so easily take control, making me do things I would normally never do during the first time. He made me feel loved while fucking me like he barely knew me. I had just had the best sex of my life and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop thinking about him.