Desperate Witches. Part 2. [F, fantasy]

Part two of the wizard/witch erotic saga.


Later that same night, Ron came home. Hermione, dressed in pajamas, greeted him by the fireplace – Ron usually traveled to and from the ministry by the Floo network.

“How was your work, honey?” – Hermione asked as she moved in for a kiss.

“Just bloody terrible, I had to file paperwork all day about the Hippogryph incident!” – Ron replied after pecking her on the cheek.

“Well, come on to bed now, hon” – Hermione tried to squeak out this sentence with as much sexual tension as her modesty would allow.

As soon as they got into bed, Ron said good night and rolled over onto his side. Hermione sidled up behind him and asked;

“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to… you know… make love”

“Oh… sorry, not tonight honey, I’m really tired” – yawned Ron.

Hermione rolled off him. Five minutes later he was fast asleep; Hermione could easily tell – Ron was a loud snorer. She quietly got out of the bed, went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Hermiones mind wandered, she thought back to the last time her and Ron had sex – almost 4 weeks ago.

Desperate Witches. Part 1. [MF, fantasy, Mdom]

Hey, this is my first dirty story ever. Tell me what you think!


Hermione’s marriage to Ron had become somewhat familiar, almost mundane. Ever since Voldemort’s defeat 19 years ago, things have just been… normal. Sure they’ve traveled the world, gotten married, raised two children; but the adventures, the dangers, the rushes of her school days; they were gone forever. Or were they?

She and Ron were standing on platform 9 and ¾, waving bye to their daughter Rose; it was her first year at Hogwarts. That’s when she saw him: Draco Malfoy. Their eyes met, and she felt an instant rush. She looked away quickly. The last time she saw Draco was the night that Voldemort fell, back then he could be called nothing more than a boy. But when she looked at him now, she saw a man. Why did meeting his gaze make her so nervous? They were nothing more than enemies back in their school days… But then, then she remembered. Those elaborate fantasies she had… the vivid imagination of a young Hermione Granger knew no bounds. What happened to that fire? That sexual energy? She looked back; Draco and his wife had already left.