The Innkeeper and the Highwayman [Mf] (Prologue)

Note: This is derived from a role-play scene I've played out a number of times with different partners which of course headed in a variety of directions. I would just like to acknowledge the contributions that these partners have made, but for the sake of their privacy won't name them here.

Furthermore, I expect this post to just lay the background for a story that will later become sexy, so I don't think there will be much action in this one. The next chapter should be much juicier, but I hope this one will help it flow better.

The old Stonewall Inn had seen better days. It had seen better nights too, filled to the brim with travelers, traders and dignitaries, all paying top dollar for the inn's renowned dark ale. There was no town to speak of for half a day's ride, but here at the crossroads it was a perfectly situated resting place. In years past, fish mongers and silk merchants on their way from Seaport to Westfield wouldn't think twice about coming in for a room after the stars had come out. Those years were past now, and tonight the inn was dark and quiet when a lone stranger came to the door.