Neanderthals return…. Chapter 4 [mf, cheating]

This took me a while to crank out. Sorry for the long hiatus.

*Chatper 4 *

I wake up once again. Reality finally sinking in and the slither of hope that this is all a horrible, horrible dream is slowly dissipating. I’ve been given a brief overview on how to operate the various consoles in my room. Most of them are fairly simplistic to use if a bit alien to me.

There’s a device that allows me to choose what clothes I wish to have and as far as I can tell they seem to materialize out of thin air. I’m sure there is some brilliant insight on how these devices actually work, but right now I care very little on how and far more interested in the convenience. Across my bed there’s a small table with a ‘food processor’. The item seems to be able to create a variety of dishes from any culture. The taste is a bit bland, but it’s filling and won’t let me starve. I never was a great chef, but even I could make something that has more flavor then that thing.

[Prologue] Terror of the seven orgasms

Note: I posted this on dpp, and thought others might enjoy it on here. It's more of a potential prolog for a fun story line that may or may not take a life of its own.

When you ask people these days about Pirates. What they all tend to think of is a very vivid and disnified version of Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Before Hollywood corrupted the purity and essence of what it means to be a Pirate. Before the jolly Caribbean pirates of the big screens were breaking into song and dance and become intertwined into modern pop culture we had the pirates of Carthage.

Carthage was a vast empire that controlled much of the Mediterranean and held the Straight of Gibraltar under iron clad control. No ship from Europe could conduct commerce, trade, or travel beyond its European shores without paying a heft tariff to the growing and wealthy Armada of Pirate Battleships under the Carthaginian empire. The Pirates of Carthage were rumored to be blood thirsty savages who killed, raped, and pillaged for the sheer ecstasy of seeing the terror and fear reflected in the eyes of their victims as they drank the blood of the slain and laughed at the screams and tears of their victims. Being captured by a Carthaginian ship wasn't simply a loss of your bounty. Grown men would cry in terror at the mere idea of being capture. Countless men would commit suicide and cross over the pits of hell a much welcome reprieve to the fear of what awaited them aboard one of those ships.

Rub My Lamp Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I meant to post this a while back but never got around to posting it apparently. I'll probably add a few more chapters though it'll be a little while. I'm a bit more focused on the Neanderthals series atm.

My name is Leila. I'm a Jinn, a being with magical powers cursed with immortality and immense powers though forever bound to server whichever master has possession of my lamp. The lamp that has served as both my home and my prison for millennia.

You may know me by the more common name, and annoyingly "Disney-fied". If I ever get my freedom from these shackles, I'm going to revive Walt Disney and skin him alive for all the Jinn that still exist. Nothing ruins true historical facts like a Disney movie. sighs. So for starters, I do not look like a blue floating puddle of good with no legs. I do tend to wear a veil and some of the more typical "sexy" genie outfits, but that's because I was a harem girl. It is what I've always worn. If you find a Jinn from the 19th Century, then she'll probably wear a Victorian dress.

Neanderthals return…. Chapter 3 [mf flirting ]

I wake up violently and suddenly as my pleasant dreams whatever they were are rudely interrupted as a bucket of icy cold water is dumped over you.

“Ahhh… wtf!!! “ I scream, as I’m barely aware of my surroundings. My eyes adjusting to the light. I blink a few times recognizing Dr. Wagner. Looking down I’m apparently still naked. Christ, it’s been over a day and I still haven’t managed to get some damn clothes on. The hot semen from last night is covering my body. My body is sore in places i didn’t even know I had muscles in to be sore. Shaking my head as the memories from last night wash over me.

“Fuck…what did I do. I barely woke up and I was fucking that bastard. “

Dr Warner looking at me. He’s older then me though despite being a doctor he certainly seems to be appreciating the view.

“That was, an expected event. It wasn’t part of the plan though it will have some ramifications on your stay here. We need to discuss a few things. “ He coughs slightly..

Neanderthals return…. Chapter 2 – Part 2 [mf]

He’s well over 12” and several orders of magnitude larger than any men I have ever been with. I’ve never been a slut, but nor have I ever been much of a prude. I moan softly as I let my moist pussy lips run along his still hard shaft. Mesmerized by the strength of his erection. The fact that his cock alone can support me. mmmm, god I want him.

“Swallow” Mon’gor instructs as I feel his fingers pry my mouth open pushing two pills inside my mouth.

He hands me a glass of water to wash it down and I look at him perplexed but do as I’m told.

Mon’gor takes to my bed, carrying me like a little doll. I’m both amazed and aroused by his strength. He tosses me on the bed as he slowly climbs on top of me. His shadow washing over my entire body as I look into his gorgeous brown eyes with both terror and lust. Licking my lips in anticipation as my eyes steal one final glance at his massive uncut cock before it slides inside me.

Neanderthals return…. Chapter 2 – Part 1 [mf]

It has been 200 years since i’ve been awake. More than that, what was it that Dr. Warner said. It was the year 2245. It has been…. let’s see.. 230 years? Christ, we sure as hell fucked things up. Looking in front of me at the monstrous figure in charge of my fate. Everything around me feels odd. Some of the objects I see around me are obviously advanced beyond the early 21st century, while others are….so ancient and rudimentary. Let’s see Neanderthals that’s what mon’gor is. They were extinct ages ago. Maybe they’re only scavengers of human technology? It would explain the mix of wardrobe hybrid between the jetsons and flinstones. Then again, my gaze going up Mon’gor’s powerful back. His powerful muscles moving with ease glistening in the artificial light that seems to nearly perfectly match sunlight. At least they finally got rid of that fake yellow office light I hated so much. His sculpted ass fitting snugly in his leather pants stopping just short of his knees. mmmm, okay… he’d probably break me in two, but I’m definitely liking the view in this new age.

Neanderthals return…. Chapter 1 [mf – kind of ]

My name is Amy. The last time I was conscious it was the 21st century. I had been diagnosed with a deadly form of Lung cancer. It had progressed to such a stage that there really was no end in sight. I married well and had no lack of experimental drugs, research centers or access to the best hospitals and doctors in the country. The problem is… I was dying and there was nothing I could do about it. I talked to Jason, my husband and we decided to undergo an experimental procedure. Thought it wasn't known to the public at the time advances in cryogenics allowed for a crude form of suspended animation. We decided to both suspend ourselves and hope that when we are awaken, that the technology would exist to cure me and save my life.

I expected the world to have changed during my slumber. I knew that I would be awakening to a world where I knew nobody buy my sweet Jason that decided to make the journey with me. What faced me was beyond alien.

Neanderthals return….[Prologue]

Fair warning.. this is a lot of foreplay and not as much actual sex. I'm going to develop this slowly though it'll have slavery, BDSM, cheating, adultery, and all kinds of fun elements.

This is heavily inspired by the recent Jurassic Park movie. So props for the remake inspiring me to write this to begin with.

Anyways.. story time.

In 2015, when the remake of Jurassic park came about, there was already some discourse on how close we've come to realizing some of these fictional concepts visualized in the movie. Jules Verne is credited for imagining much of the innovation and creation that have come to be in the 20th century. Virtually all of his imaginary vehicles and innovation that were simply beyond comprehension at the end the 19th century have come to pass and made into reality through out the course of the 20th century. Everything from the idea of a submarine, or space travel has come to pass. The main exception that comes to mind is traveling to the center of the earth which I'm sure given the right motivation we would be eager and capable to rise to the challenge.