[26, M4A] – This is just for fun and will be in parts [Pet play]

Through the daily working grind of driving into stop and go traffic, the lectures from the boss, and the stack of ever growing bills there is always one smiling face that is waiting to great me at the door. She’s always been there for me and always will be there. When things get me down she brings out that last bit of energy from me. Some people may find it odd that I’m a 26 year old male living with a cat but that’s not really any of their business and I will share as many stories as I want of tails knocking over cups as long as they keep telling their boring stories about their children. It’s the life that I enjoy living and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

There is so much anger in the world right now that it can be so unavoidable. The drive home was plagued with it. The car that slams its brakes giving the car behind them no choice but to slam into their bumper. The Boss who can’t seem to decide if he wants to be aa good guy or the nemesis of all weekends. This feeling is something that I hate to carry with me for any longer than it takes to get through the door to home. Sometimes it does manage to linger just long enough to make my stress levels evident. So I stay in my car and clear my head from everything that happened that day.