My (M19) dentist (F25) has a dirty mouth

Just like I had done about a thousand times before, I walked into the dentist’s office and checked in for my 12:30 appointment with Dr. de Vries.
While waiting for the desk worker’s confirmation I realized that the drinks I had yesterday evening sadly were enough to warrant a hangover. Me being 19 and young I figured that my youthly metabolism would figure that out on its own, a miscalculation on my part. Still half asleep and daydreaming I heard the dentist assistant’s last words of her sentence: “… with Ms. Miller.” Confused I repeated: “Ms Miller? I thought I had an appointment with my usual dentist, de Vries?”
The assistant, semi-annoyed, replied: “As I said before, he is currently at home recovering from a bicycle crash, nothing serious though.” Realizing I hadn’t been paying attention the first time of her telling, I awkwardly said “Thanks” and walked away to the waiting room.