
It cost me twenty five dollars to get in. The woman working the front was wearing a hoodie over a bikini which made for a confusing yet alluring introduction to the building. I had never been to a strip club before and had no idea what to expect. I had a vape pen in my pocket I was hitting so hard I could have caught an assault charge. That is to say that I was stoned and walking into very dangerous new territory. My hand was stamped and the military grade velvet rope was removed from my path. I stepped cautiously into the main room. It was dark, and the music was loud. Mirrors all over the walls gave the place an illusory feel.

There was a woman with caramel skin and pink bikini bottoms twirling effortlessly around a silver pole. There were a couple men in business attire sitting in the seats right in front of the stage, throwing money in three dollar increments. I was only able to watch for a moment before I was confronted by a young asian woman with jet black hair and a backwards baseball cap on her head. She was a fair deal shorter than me and had this confidence that was confusing at first. She walked right up to me and put her arms around me. Feeling my upper and lower back. She asked if I wanted to play, and honestly at first I wasn’t even sure if she worked there.