Hungry Stare

His gaze swept over her from head to toe, coming to rest near her mid-section and the black leather belt that encircled her waist, defining her generous hips and plump stomach. As their eyes locked her heart jumped a beat as he licked his lips. Her mind reeled imagining what he must be thinking. Not in a very long time had a man looked at her with such a hungry stare.

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A Friend in Need

He was fucking her, Dan realized in a flash. He was fucking her and his wife’s wet pussy was eagerly taking Charlie’s cock. The epiphany made Dan instantly hard. Turning his head, and inching a little further out the bedroom door, Dan could make out in the dimly lit living room the silhouette of his wife. At first she was just a dark blob eclipsing the drawn shades of the window that were back lit by an outdoor street light. But as his eyes adjusted further, he could make out her hair and the way it bobbed up and down off her shoulders.

Concentrating and remembering to breath, he crawled a foot further out into the short hallway that led to the living room. His wife made no indication that she suspected he was there. As Dan got closer, the image of his wife came clearer into view. Now Dan could make our her breasts as she bobbed up and down on Charlie’s cock, her two round orbs heaving to the same rhythm as her hair. Her moans could barely be heard despite the fact that Dan was now no more than eight feet from the couch.

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Pummeling the shore

Her heartbeat quickened as he plunged balls deep inside her, a rush of blood racing to her core. With her ears ringing, she briefly thought to herself that she couldn’t take any more. That’s when he crushed into her one last time. Her orgasm, which was nothing more than a bubbling seedling just seconds before, washed over her like a giant wave pummeling the shore. His warm breath on her cheek as he whispered into her ear sent her over the edge.

“I’m going to fuck a baby into you,” he growled.

Her toes curled as she got lost in the sound of his balls violently slapping against her puckered asshole, a loud sharp sound that echoes of the bedroom walls of his small apartment.

“Put a baby inside me,” she urged him on as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

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The Hug

His invading thickness drove deeper into her wanton depths, threatening with every thrust to flood her with his thick seed. And then it happened. At first it was nothing more than a subtle warmth spreading out from her core, and then a sensation she could only describe as a heaviness that hugged her insides. Her pleasure raced over her like a giant boulder falling downhill. She never wanted it to end, but knew at some point it had to. Still wrapped in her orgasm, she flinched when he moved to withdraw from inside her,  causing her wrap her legs around him, wanting him to remain for just a little while longer.

“Stay right there.” She exclaimed, her breath sputtering in her mouth as the pressure in her core subsided and faded.

“Must have been the first time a guy has come inside you.” Her lover commented, his broad shaft probing at her inside still sending reverberations through-out her body.. 

She nodded her head yes as her mind cleared and the realization that she wasn’t on birth control hit her.

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Her thoughts swirled around vision she had of herself laying naked in his beds, her milky white thighs pressed tightly against his cheeks as his tongue lapped at her tender nub.

“Deeper,” she heard herself cry out, although she wasn’t aware that she had even spoken. “I won’t to feel you inside me. I want you to claim me.”

“And I will.” He answered as he sat up on his knees, reaching under the bed for something. Only after her budding orgasm released its hold on her did she see what it was he was holding–a pair of pink, leather handcuffs, each with a metal loop for some kind of restraint.

She felt her heart thump hard in her chest, like a car going over a speed bump too fast. Twisting around, she looked at the headboard of his bed where she spied more restraints–presumably for her hands–and chains with ends that would latch on to the ankle restraints.

“Are you game?” He asked, wrapping one of the ankles restraints over her skin, but not latching it.

Biting her lip, she nodded her head yes, her body shuttering as the first of many beads of nectar dripped out from the cleft between her legs.

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The cold metal on the side of his car pressed against her bare rear-end, causing her to startle. She had barely enough time to gasp before he spun her around, causing the hem of her dress to flutter and swirl. By the time she had turned fully around, he had her dress pulled up and bunched up around her shoulders with her legs spread, and the engorged helmet of his thick cock searching for her damp opening.

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The Flood

For the second time in as many hours, his rock hard cock jerked and twitched, spewing thick globs of come deep inside her. Laying on top of her, he softly growled in her ear as he continued his circular hip gyrations. She barely heard him, however. Instead her thoughts lingered on what he had whispered to her earlier in the evening as they both sat at the dinner table, enjoying a nice meal provided by their employer on their company retreat. It was supposed to be all business and no pleasure. Still, his words had consumed her and flooded her thoughts with ideas and desires, much like how his full and heavy balls were now flooding her womb.

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Taking a deep, unsteady breath, Krissy unbuttoned his pants, watching with wide eyes as they fell down around his ankles.

Was she really doing this? She asked herself as she curled her fingers beneath the fabric of the elastic waistband of his underwear. Yanking them down, she gasped as his erect cock sprung free and flopped around in front of her face.

“Oh, my.” She heard herself say, her gaze fixated on the fleshy pink colored head atop his shaft and the single eye that seemed to twitch and wink with anticipation.

She had asked him back to her place despite the fact that they had just met, promising herself that she would only suck his cock and nothing more…and maybe let him eat her out.

Now that she had seen him naked and had time to take in visually his impressive…qualities, her mind thought back on all her previous boyfriends, hook-ups and one night stands. And nowhere in that group could she ever recall such a beautiful monster as the one standing at attention before her now. No way was it leaving her house without its magical length and girth being buried deep inside her first.

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Her will to resist him faded as their mouths came crashing together in a deep, passionate kiss. She moaned and snuggled closer against him, savoring the sensation of his hands roaming over her body. When his finger tips reached her breasts, she gave up all illusions that she had promised herself earlier in the evening, such as the big one of not sleeping with him on the first date. Pulling away from him, she kicked off her heels and spun around.

“Would you mind unzipping me?” She asked as she tossed aside her shoulder length, brownish red hair, revealing the zipper to her dress.

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piercing brown eyes

She had thought it was his piercing brown eyes that held a spell over her. It wasn’t until this very moment, however, that she realized it was so much more than that. It was his musky sent that filled her nostrils; the way his gravely voice called her name, and the feel of his strong hands as they wrapped around her waist as he drew her in close for a kiss.

It was also how his muscular arms took control of her and manipulated her body, leaving her no choice but to bend to his needs and desires. But more than anything, however, it was his massive cock now sliding past her slick folds and into her depths that cast the finishing touches on that spell.

“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He whispered in her ear in a wheezing breath. 

“I’ve needed this for so long.” She answered, positioning herself forward in order to take his entire length inside her. “Now you can have me anytime you want me.”

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