
I was going thru a particularly tuff time in my life, for reasons made of my own and some not.  We really dont need to get into the gorey details. Just know in the fact that sometimes we go thru things in life that change us. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not, only in the end will that be sorted out…
It is times like these that test friendships, strengthen friendships, and ends friendships..
  There is one long time friend with whom we have a platonic relationship, out side of the banter people that are very comfortable with each other share. I mean we shared many hugs, many conversations, even seen each other sort of naked, shared funny sex stories, memes, teases, and a lot of compassion and tears…not to mention the ugly side of each other as well, the bumps and bruises that life gives you, whether a stupid blunder like walking thru a screen door, or covered in poison ivy, a bad hair cut or even the worst bed head anyone has seen. Having a wonderful friend such as this makes you count your blessings.
In my fashion, when things are really tuff I sometimes take a hot shower, sitting or standing as a stress relief. My friend is aware of this mechanism of coping. We hugged in comfort then I wondered off for such a moment of stress relief offered in the steamy shower, just standing there letting it rain down on me. Feeling the trails of water run like riverlets down my chest and back, unable to find that peace.
Unexpectably there is a presence in the shower with me. Unannounced and quite shocking I felt these hands wrap around me in a tender embrace. I started to ask…”are you…” and she simply says “Shhhh!…” with her hand on my chest, lightly rubbing. I feel the tensions ease as I exhale letting out all the bad… breathing easier and more relaxed I noticed I could feel her breast press against my back. I ask again…”are you…and again she says :Shhhhh!”…but softer and more gentle as she stroked my chest moving down my stomach. I flinch ever so slightly, but i dont pull away, my muscles tighten, flexing with her touch. (Such a soft soothing touch)… my breath catches as I feel her nipples getting hard as they are pressed even tighter to my back, her physical shape fitting perfectly to me I feel her pubic hair against my ass as she holds me tighter still with her right hand sliding down to meet mine, with each stroke getting ever so closer until she holds my manhood in her hand. It is plump but not erect… she let’s out a little moan in my ear as it grows in her hand, she strokes me as she slides her breast against my back. With my cock in her hand she slides her body to face me … never losing touch with my…  I look into her eyes and see the compassion and delight that sparkles in them… I wrap her in my arms and pull her closer, we kiss, deeply, drinking each other in the heat of the moment. I pick her up as she ties her leggs around my hips she guides me in side her as we kiss harder yet. Giving into each other what we both have denied for so long … she rocks back and forth as I help  her up and down as we stand in the shower.. she bites my lip with furosity when she cums,  hard enough I can feel her pulsating splashes as they run down my legs. I stand her back on the floor of the tub with her back to me. I lightly bite her shoulder and scrub my beard on her back … she presses into me as she stands on her toes I enter her again with thrusts of passion and emotion. Thrusting with the full length of me then shorter, faster, harder, until I cum…
We both slide down wall and lay in the bottom of the tub, holding, melting into each other…

Categorized as Erotica