The Field

The journey was, as always, easy and fun. The time had passed quickly. Deep conversation, interspersed with laughter. The scenery seemlessly changed from dull grey urban, to beaming green nature, as if they had teleported to this happy place.

They parked up and interlocked hands, setting off along the path unknown. He had planned this and she trusted him. She gazed at his profile as he looked down at his feet whilst answering an unremarkable question. She liked his welcoming face. This familiarity belied the brief time they had known eachother. Likewise, how open and relaxed she felt was also unique.

They arrived at an opening in the woods. Stetching out beyond them was a lush, sweeping grass meadow. Wild grain proudly rose above the shorter, hardy green grass. The subtle outline of a path, rarely frequented, traced towards a stout Oak tree. Beneath it, an inviting respite from the beating early August sun.

Categorized as Erotica

[M] My massage experience

She laughed to herself. How it is possible to get neck pain when you do so little exercise. Then she thought about the stress she felt. Being a slave to her laptop. The feeling of her shoulders shrinking and her spine contorting during the long and depressing book edits. The responsibilities she juggles daily and uncomplainingly.

So, this is how she ended up, face down in her bra and shorts, on a massage table. Did it make it easier that she had known Dave for some time? That he was qualified and experienced? Maybe more the former. She wasn’t especially comfortable with her body but he has always been a relaxing presence in their time together at work. He had a mixed persona. Gentle, approachable, warm and fun. Yet he was direct, honest and resolute. She had seen his attractively assertive negotiation skills and heard from him, as well as others, his ability to please women. This, strangely, didn’t put her off him. No one had a bad word to say about him. He was open in a disarming and charming way. His physical appearance also matched his persona. Average height, average build (perhaps not bad shape doe his age), dressed in a moderately conservative way; with some flairs that hinted of a deeper expressionism. He had lovely hands that looked soft, strong, inviting. He used them a lot in appealing demonstrative gestures that perhaps suggested he was secretively an artisan of darker trades.

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