A show for Magdalena [FF, religion, exhibitionism, voyeurism, panties, masturbation, fingering, romantic]

The cathedral smells of incense, thick and heavy. I kneel next to Magdalena on the scarlet cushion. The fraying threads scrape my bare knees, already pink from the cold. I glance up over the smooth wood planks of the pew, between hillocks of bowed heads and the forest of columns to the altar where the priest stands with his attendants. The Latin of the sermon rings out above the congregation and up into the misted vaults of the sky far, far, above.

Magdalena is praying hard. If she prayed any harder beads of sweat would come out on her brow. Her brown hair is tied back in a thick braid. Her round glasses have slid to the tip of her nose as they do when she concentrates. Her white blouse with the little frills on the cuffs is stretched tight, as if her woven fingers and white knuckles are ratcheting every thread to its snapping point. Her skirt, black and heavy, has red and blue wildflowers sewn on the hem, and has bunched around her waist. I lean back a little. I can see her sensible white panties.

I nudge her and pass her a note.

The thrill of being watched [Exhibitionism, undressing, masturbation, F]

Erica straightened the bedsheets and plumped the pillows. She put her hands on her small waist, blew a strand of blonde hair from her face, failed and tucked it behind her ear and smiled. It had been a tough job carrying all her stuff up to the fourth floor but it was worth it. The new apartment looked *amazing*. Sure it was about the size of two shoeboxes taped together and yeah, it cost more of her monthly salary than she was ever going to tell her mother but it was hers and hers alone.

She went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. There was a view – just – between two old red brick buildings down to the harbour and the green sweep of the far shore and beyond that a morse-code line of white breakers where the ocean began. She felt goosebumps rise up her slender arms. *The sea!* She could almost smell the salt – and taste hot fresh donuts. Her phone buzzed. It was a friend, checking she was still going to come out that evening. She said she was. Erica closed her eyes and breathed the imaginary sea air once more, opened them, wiped an invisible speck of dirt from the top of the cooker and went to her bedroom to pick out an outfit.