26 male wheelchair bound

Ive been a quadriplegic for 5 years now, and I haven’t really had a lot of sexual contact. And I really want to explore and see what’s out there and experiment! Women usually discount me because im in a wheelchair but I’m just hoping there is something out there for me. I feel as if just because I need help doing things and I’m paralyzed they think my dick doesn’t work, thats not the case yes you have to play with it or suck on it for awhile but thats just physics lol, its a vein that needs blood drawn to it. Ive just never had a girl that was willing to experiment with me. And there’s always the obvious if that doesn’t work there’s viagra or dick pumps. I’m so sexually frustrated and definitely backed up for the past 6 years lol i need a release and even if you just have questions im a open book nothing is off limits or will make me uncomfortable. this is a long shot posting this but i don’t know where else to turn. I NEED HELP!!!

Categorized as Erotica