Lupin and Sophie hate fuck

Lupin and Sophie hate fucking.

Thanks to /uN3ko_kitten for the prompt from DPP. Let me know what you think. I’m wanting to write and post more. More communication at the end.


[face/ass slapping] [large cock] [probone] [mild banter] [hairy chest] [size gap] [calling the sub pet] [tell me what they do next]

Lupin, wearing loose tan cargo pants only held up by a belt, stood in the doorway and was greeted just the way he had expected.

“Fuck you.” Sophie snapped. 

Her frame was on full display as she wore a full black complement of denim overalls Doc martens, a septum piercing, and a fading hickey on the side of her neck. Her hands balled into fists staring up with fire in her eyes looking through the bangs of her platinum, bob-cut hair. Her chest was raising and falling from frustration from the very obvious booty call text she received. She had a hard time explaining to her friends that her Ex, the sexist one, had sent yet another dick pic. Of course, she couldn’t tell them that the length and size of it was always the reason it worked.