Summer Dream

The girls squealed as they jogged down the hotel balcony, sand and surf finally in view. Flip flops echoed against the stucco as they ran. Only Madison hung back, tightening her top in the reflection of one of the hotel’s many windows. Eyes hidden behind large dark shades, it wasn’t clear if she knew it was Izzy’s room, or just a happy accident. Izzy didn’t have time to care, her wide eyes frozen on the recently upgraded view. Barely outside her bathroom, she didn’t dare move in case the show would end. 
Madison’s new suit, a fiery red number, gripped her tight about the chest. She cupped each breast, smiling as she did so. With a tug she teased her right nipple, again, and again. An older couple walked by, staring. She laughed, but to Izzy  the outside world remained muffled by the window and the din of vacationers. Madison flirted with her reflection ike an old silent movie. Izzy didn’t want the movie to end.
Madison turned to go, but stopped. She looked her shades and slowed, mouth open. Izzy’s stomach dropped, unsure if she was shivering from fear of being caught, or arousal, or both. Madison let out a deep breath, fogging the glass as her adjusted suit dragged her tits up and down the window. She planted a kiss on her impromptu canvas and left. 
Izzy looked down and caught her fingers having their way with a very red clit. She didn’t remember starting, but she remembered finishing. The jolts caved in her hips and she landed on the tile on both knees with a crack. It hurt but didn’t. It was real, but somehow it wasn’t. 
Enthusiastic knocks rattled her door. “Let’s goooo, babe!” A pause. “Oh shit, is there someone else there??” Anna giggled.
“God, shut up!” Izzy replied with a wavering laugh, convulsions from the base of her sex betraying her balance. scrambling to find matching bottoms to her strappy patterned two-piece. 
* * * 
The afternoon was as bright and fun as advertised. Six girls made the trip, somehow all at Madison’s arrangement. After a while they stopped asking questions, the view and opportunity so intoxicating it drowned out everything else. 

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Softening, Part 1 – Clara woke grumbling, a blaring alarm in one hand and a throbbing one night stand in the other.

She let the first go to voicemail without looking; it would be her agent Tasha, anal and worried about where she was, still hours before she had to be anywhere or smile for any cameras.

She placed her phone quietly on the nightstand, trying to see how far she could tug her new toy toward release without waking him. It was better that way. His words always ruined the moment.

His cock, however…almost made up for it.

As she stroked she wrapped long fingers around to her palm. She squeezed until the head got thick and red, so red against the ivory sheets. He filled her grip like a beer bottle. The girth…*god why did it have to be attached to-*

“H-hey, beautiful. Good morning to you too!” Eddy sat up, big stupid grin on his face. His blond hair fell over his eyes in places and stood up with static in others. *A perfectly fine fuck any day of the week*, Tasha would say. Clara forced a smile, even bit her lip for him as he climaxed across her chest and stomach. All for show.

“Ready for your big day?” Eddy sighed, flopping back into bed spent and oblivious.