Temptation of a Social Worker Ch 02

Matthew was making his way back home from Walmart with a truck full of college dorm room furniture for his daughter. Tomorrow will be Stacy's first night in the dorms and Matthew wanted to be sure his only child had the necessities she needed and more. Being a single-parent and raising a daughter was tough but since the passing of his wife 13 years ago Matthew has done nothing but dedicate himself towards being the best father he can be. Stacy was still packing her things at the house when he decided to leave to go shopping and surprise her with some furniture.

As Matthew drove up to his garage he was surprised to see that still only Ted's car was parked their driveway and Elizabeth's Volvo was again nowhere to be seen. The two of them are normally home at this hour especially on a weekday. Just as Matthew pulled into this garage he spotted the Volvo in his rearview mirror. She was parked across the street from her house and sitting in the driver's seat reapplying her makeup. You are so cute that you don't even need makeup to give me a boner Baby. Matthew shut off the ignition and began walking up to Elizabeth's car just to make some small talk. He actually wanted to check out his hot neighbor again so he can pleasure himself to images of her later at night like he always does.

Temptation of a Social Worker (Thx for Reading! Just expressing my [F]antasy)

The Meticulous Social Worker who gets the Perfectionist Fucked out of her.

Elizabeth gave the mirror a last glance before she headed off for work. A social worker should always have a professional demeanor and appearance. Elizabeth being the perfectionist that she is she would not let a single strand of hair be unkempt in her pony tail. Standing before the mirror was a third generation Japanese-American Sansei woman. She is proud of her heritage however her only regret was not learning Japanese from her grandmother. Elizabeth brushed off a small bit of lint off her grey pant suit before grabbing her keys and purse and briskly walked out the door.

"Hi, Matthew! Good Morning!" Elizabeth chirped as she walked to her car.

Her neighbor Matthew was out watering the lawn as usual. His most favorite part of the day was catching a glimpse of Elizabeth as she walks to her car accompanied by the sounds of her high heels clicking on the pavement each morning. Matthew couldn't help but just stare as the 5'2 petite Asian girl got into her car. The pant suit was tight on her ass and her collared shirt was disappointingly buttoned just before her cleavage line.