Nightclub [MF] [Exh] True story

So I've been wanting to share this with someone for a while now, but my friends are mostly reserved and I like writing, so here goes…


Laser lights flicker on and off.


I sit watching each light. Majestic. Powerful. Important. What would that feel like?

I bop my head in time with the beat, but the nausea and dizziness it was causing quickly put an end to that habit.


Raising my right arm and leaning on a wooden side rest, I push hard into the grain and stumble to the nearest table. "Oh my god! Disgusting, get the bouncer" A sexy blonde whines as she backs toward her towering man friend. Playing hard to get, she doesn’t know me for the player I was born to be.


I give her the drunken smile worthy of an Instagram selfie, her frown deepens as she clings to his arm.

Shit, maybe not. I gotta get the fuck outta here


People were forever moving, shaking hands and cheersing cups. Groan. Through the hustle & bustle I spot an empty bench, the kind you'd find in a 24/7 diner, to me it was the only thing that mattered in my life.