[M]y first ever sexual experiences (with my brother) Part II

Following from the comments and messages from my last post, I thought I would carry on the story..

Following on from what was the most confusingly sexual nights of my life, I was hesitant to discuss what had happened. Stuck between, do I ask him why he suggested it and is this just a thing that happened and we’re never going to mention it again?

Well, a couple of days past and nothing had happened, no mention of it and no attempt to repeat the actions of that evening. That was, until we were both alone, playing video games and he looked over to me and simply said “do you wanna do something?”

I nodded immediately with no hesitation as though my body was waiting for the question more than my brain was. He got up out of his bed, closed the door then came over to me. “How do you wanna do this?” he asked, standing over me with his crotch just below head height. At this point, the emotions hit again, I’m excited but also completely overcome with fear. I know now that I just need to be more comfortable with the situation but I was sti very unsure.

[M]y first ever sexual experiences (with my brother)

I’ve never shared this with anyone before and I had almost forgot about until recently when I started wondering whether it could happen again..

My whole life growing up I had to share a room with my brother, we’ve always got along reasonably well but things took a twist in our pubescent years.

I can recall vividly the night it all started, we had both just gone to bed and I was pretty certain he was asleep. I opened up my tablet and started watching porn. It took about 5 minutes of me laying there rubbing my dick to the rythm of thrusts on the screen before I noticed him looking over. This took me by surprise and I pulled my duvet up my body to instinctively hide my embarrassment. He sat up straight away and said “it’s alright, can I come watch?”