Cabin in the Snow PT2 [M26] [Femdom] [Pegging] [Threesome]

Part One [here](

Drew stared at the huge dildo as River played with it. It was probably seven inches long and three inches thick. Already massive, but he’d never had anything in his ass before, not even a finger. The thought of it scared him.

“I’m not sure it will… fit.”

Ivy grinned at him. “Oh, it will fit. It might hurt, and it will definitely stretch you out quite a bit, but it will fit. We’re very good at this.”

Drew’s mind spun. Was this really happening? Surely this was some kind of nightmare, and he’d wake up any minute now. He pinched himself, but to his dismay, it only proved him wrong. This was very much real.

He thought seriously about just leaving. If they meant what they’d said, they would tell him how to reach the road, and call the sheriff to come find him. Ten miles through fresh snow wasn’t that hard, he’d done it before. Not at night though, and not in temperatures this low. He couldn’t check, there was no cell service out here, but the forecast had called for temperatures down to -10 Fahrenheit. Way colder than he felt safe hiking in, especially at night, with only a vague idea where he was going. The dildo scared him just as much, but it wouldn’t kill him. As much as he wished he could just run out the door and never look back, he knew there was only one safe choice for him.

Cabin in the snow PT1 [26M] [Femdom] [Pegging] [Threesome]

*This is my first shot at writing erotica, I hope someone likes it.*

Drew shifted the heavy pack on his back, and looked up at the gray sky. It was getting close to evening, and he still had no idea where he was. He’d been out hiking for almost twelve hours, and had been lost for most of that time. The snowstorm had ruined everything.

Fortunately, the snow had slowed from a thick fog to a light haze, so he could at least see his surroundings now. Nothing was familiar though, under a foot of heavy snow.

Just as Drew was resigning himself to a cold, lonely night, he spotted a dim yellow light in a thick stand of trees, across an open field. He couldn’t see what was making the light, but whatever it was, it must be man made. Maybe there was shelter, or even other people. He started forward across the field with renewed confidence.

As he drew closer, he could see the source of the light now. It was a small log cabin, tucked into a stand of thick pine trees. The light came from inside. Drew smiled. There must be people here, or at least, shelter. Either way, he wouldn’t freeze tonight. He walked forward to the door, and knocked.