A Chance pt. 9 [ff]

The ancient compact car gave a worrying rattle as Lizette drove it into the school parking lot. Kimmy hadn’t said a word since they left Coach Karen’s house. The parking lot was still mostly empty because they were earlier than normal. Lizette found a spot close to the school and parked.

“You ready for this?” Lizette asked.

Kimmy had been through hell for the last four days and it showed. The bruises on her face had faded to a mottled purple and the swelling had gone down around her left eye. The stitches were visible where the nurse had shaved her eyebrow around the wound. Instead of hiding her body in long sleeves and jeans, Kimmy had picked out one of Lizette’s sundresses to wear. It left the crusty stripes on her shoulders, arms, and legs visible for everyone to see.

“Yes,” Kimmy sighed and looked over at Lizette. “Kiss me.”

Lizette gave a half-grin and leaned over to give Kimmy a sweet kiss. Their first out in public, Lizette considered with a sigh.

“Thank you,” Kimmy said as she cupped Lizette’s chin. “For everything.”

“What are friends for?” she asked with a shrug.

A Chance pt. 8 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


The weekend passed in a blur of discomfort and pain killers. The welts all over Kimmy’s body resolved to crusty scabs and the stitches above her left eye itched like crazy. She tried not to burden Karen and Christine, so she mostly hid out in the guest room they put her up in. Lizette never left her side.

Kimmy kept her darker thoughts to herself. Lizette wouldn’t really understand how Kimmy felt about what had happened. While Lizette held her and kissed her, Kimmy embraced how her girlfriend made her feel. For the first time she was entirely at peace with it.

Kimmy’s father had done more than beat her. He had thrown her out of his house, like garbage, because she loved Lizette. His stern voice had proclaimed her damnation, and it still echoed in her thoughts and dreams. *Reprobate.* She was going to hell. And that was okay.

A Chance pt. 7 [ff][no sex]

**Author’s note:** I usually let my stories speak for themselves, but this one needs a little explanation. I know this subreddit is called sexystories and usually favors hot little stroke stories. That said, I’m a writer and my stories tend to go where they want.

I really love this story, but I couldn’t write this chapter and include any sexy bits because, frankly, this part of the story is really hard on the characters. But every couple of weeks I either get a comment or PM asking for more.

I write under other names besides /u/lizette_and_kimmy including /u/tooyoungforsex, /u/kat_and_renauld, /u/jacob_molly_camden, and /u/friends_and_benefits. You guys have voted 20 of my stories into the all time top 100 stories on this subreddit and I appreciate all your votes and comments.

So here is chapter 7 as it *needs* to be, without gratuitous sex, for those of you who keep asking for more. I suggest you click on my name (/u/lizette_and_kimmy) to read the earlier parts first or this chapter may not make any sense.



A Chance pt. 6 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


Kimmy’s heart still pounded as she lay in Lizette’s arms. She could feel soft kisses on her bare shoulder and the tickle of warm breath in her hair. Focusing on those sensations grounded her, because after what had just happened she wasn’t sure gravity still worked.

Nothing was the same. Pleasure had just been a word before. Now it had a visceral reality that made the previous definition dim in comparison. She’d been giving herself orgasms for years and assumed those had been the peak of all possible pleasure. Now in one afternoon her whole frame of reference had been expanded.

Love and sex had been a mystery, but nothing could have prepared her for the sensual give and take she’d experienced with Lizette. Things that had seemed odd or gross in abstract turned into an undeniable craving. The experience had been freeing in ways she couldn’t even put in words, but one thing she knew; Love was no longer a simple equation with a fixed answer.

“You okay?” Lizette whispered in her hair.

“Yeah. Just… yeah.”

Lizette chuckled. “I’ve made the famous Kimmy McKimson, speechless.”

A Chance pt. 5 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


“Guess who showed up at my house this morning,” Kimmy whispered just as Lizette walked up to Kimmy’s locker after homeroom.

“Tim?” Lizette guessed with a frown. The answering nod made the blood cool in her veins.

“Yeah, he apologized at youth group last night. I guess he thought when I forgave him that everything was all back the way it was.” Kimmy rolled her eyes, which settled Lizette’s heart a bit. “Needless to say I still rode the bus this morning.”

Lizette hated the insecurity that riddled her heart. In that moment of vulnerability, she wasn’t sure if wanting Kimmy and not having her was worse than being afraid of losing her. She wanted to touch her, just to get a little reassurance, but kept her distance to avoid the possibility of rejection. It was good she didn’t reach out just then, because the object of their discussion walked up to glare at Kimmy.

“Tim.” Kimmy acknowledged him with a wary look as she continued to load her book bag from the books and binders in her locker.

A Chance pt. 4 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


Another casualty of breaking up with Tim was the ride he always gave Kimmy to the Wednesday night youth group meeting at their church, Sovereign Grace Fellowship. Worse was riding along with her mother while realizing she could still detect Lizette’s scent on her fingers. Guilt she could live with. Punishment she could endure. But the compulsion to constantly draw in her friend’s tantalizing scent was proving irresistible.

The tight jeans Kimmy wore made her continually aware of her unsatisfied arousal. She rubbed her nose again with a sigh, then clasped her hands in her lap. Her mother still hadn’t said anything since picking her after school. Before Kimmy could stop herself, her scented fingers brushed against her nose again.

“Are you getting a cold?” Mom asked at last.

“No,” Kimmy said as she forced her hand back into her lap. “Why?”

“You keep wiping your nose.”

“Allergies, probably. Had to run extra again today.”

Her mother’s thoughtful hum made Kimmy nervous. While her father’s overt judgment was hard to take, in some ways her mother’s quiet observations and infrequent comments were worse. She could wield compassion like a scalpel and disappointment like a sword. Manipulation was her masterful art and she could have Kimmy confessing with a look.

A Chance pt. 3 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


Lizette kept glancing at the clock on the wall in homeroom. She was certain the second hand was slowing down. It felt like she had been in that uncomfortable chrome and plastic desk for at least a decade waiting for the bell to set her free.

She knew Kimmy better than anyone else. When the text came in the night before about meeting in the park, Lizette knew she was wavering. That was why Lizette kissed her before she could say anything. And it had worked—so far—but Lizette was still afraid that Kimmy would pull away before they could even get started.

Watching Kimmy break up with Tim over the phone had brought relief, even if it was hard to see her learn the truth the hard way. Nicole had told someone about her secret friend-with-benefits in the hall one day as Lizette passed. Then later on she saw Tim and Nicole shooting each other significant looks when they thought no one was paying attention. It wasn’t until he bragged about cheating on Kimmy, just to twist them knife, that Lizette had wanted to kill him.

A Chance pt. 2 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


Dad bowed his head and clasped his bony hands over his plate. Then he began the lengthy dinner prayer that had been a fixture of Kimmy’s family life for as long as she could remember. Blessing the food, the family, asking that the Lord’s will be done.

But Kimmy hadn’t done the Lord’s will. Lizette had taunted and teased until she had given in. Willingly given in. Done things she ought to have saved to enjoy with her husband after their blessed union.

Instead she’d given her sinful desires full reign. Lizette had brought up the passion that had remained unstated between them for the last year. Unstated until an hour earlier when Kimmy reached a height of pleasure she’d never even imagined.

“Amen,” she echoed at the end of her father’s prayer. If he knew what she’d done he’d throw her out of the house as a reprobate.

A Chance [ff]

That bitch was still in the lead. Her hips swayed as she ran like a deer over the grass covered trail that led back to the school and the dreaded locker room. No matter how hard Lizette pushed herself, she couldn’t catch up to Kimmy.

“Fuck,” Lizette muttered when her foot hit a dip in the grass and she fumbled her pace.

Kimmy took that moment to sprint the last hundred yards or so, her hair flying as she tucked into herself. Her long bronze legs ate up the distance and left Lizette hopelessly behind after the caught her balance.

Never one to give up, Lizette tore her eyes from the snug shorts that showed off boy short panty-lines and put her chin down. Focusing on the terrain at her feet, she stretched herself out and increased her pace.

She heard their footsteps beating a tattoo as she caught up, but Kimmy hit the locker room door first. Their running coach was leaning against the wall with a clipboard and her cell phone running a stopwatch. She pressed her thumb to stop it with a beep.