The Professor’s Good Girl [mf, bondage, dubcon]

This professor/ta story was requested by a redditor as a custom short! :)

**Kinks: semi-clothed sex, swallow, creampie, sneaky sex, dubcon, condom removal, bondage**


*“I can’t believe I’m doing this,”* Gemma thought as she lowered to her knees. Her sharp almond eyes locked on Professor Wolff’s belt as she worked furiously to remove it.

Her fingers fumbled as she struggled with the buckle, and she looked up in desperation at her Professor. She bit her lip, ashamed to ask for or admit she needed help.

*“Is this going to impact my grade?”* Gemma’s eyes watered and she pulled at the belt. She froze when she heard a deep laugh above her.

“Are you nervous, Gemma?” Professor Wolff’s deep voice echoed in his private office. “You weren’t nervous when you came in here asking for a way to boost your final grade. What’s changed?” His voice melted in the air and slithered in her ears. It was slow, firm, seductive.

Gemma looked up from her kneeled position. Although she wore knee high stockings, they were little relief from the firm wood floors under her.

The Sushi Bar (mf) (non/dub-con) (firstdate)

Mai blotted her red lipstick and studied herself in her vanity mirror.

Most people would describe her as cute. Not a sexy bombshell, not a raving beauty.


She sighed and studied further.

Dark brown eyes pulled sharply up at the corners, a feature given to her by her Korean mother.

She fussed her sleek short black hair, and it quickly fell back into perfectly straight blue-black strands.

Cute…she sighed and pulled her top a little lower, exposing an ample cleavage.

She swapped her sensible flats for a pair of cherry-red heels, which elongated her pale legs in the tiny miniskirt she poured herself into.

Mai opened her vanity to pull a smoky black eyeliner. Heavy wings gave her a sultry look.

She took a joint from the vanity drawer and opened the dating app on her phone.

Mai pulled hard on the joint and scrolled through Will’s profile. Tall, successful, confident, and sexy as hell.

“What’s the catch?” She thought to herself while blowing smoke out the window.

My Doctor Knows Best [straight; mf; bondage; non-dubcon]

I’m Anya, an up and coming tennis star in my young adult division.

At 19 years old, I’m on top of my game with magazine covers calling to spotlight my tight and tanned physique, beaming smile, and signature high sleek ponytail.

I’m soon-to-be the best tennis star in the nation.


Because I religiously follow these three rules:
1. No drugs
2. No alcohol
3. No sex

It’s no secret I’m a virgin. I’ve been focused on the game since I was 4. It’s actually been published in a few magazines. You must have known that when you took the job as my newest sports therapist.

Dr. Greg Rainer, a highly sought after sports therapist who had just finished a contract with the Lakers.

You shoved your hands in your pockets and smiled at the ground as my head coach listed off your many accomplishments. Two deep dimples gave you a boyish charm; two sharp canines and a devilish grin gave you a slight predatory look.

I Wish I Could Remember You [str8 mf] [non/dub-con]

“I wish I could remember you,” I think, “Maybe then this wouldn’t hurt so much.”

At least that’s what you keep whispering roughly into my ear. One of your tattooed hands is covering my mouth. The other is slowly, steadily unbuttoning the top to my silky pajama blouse.

The lamp on my bedside table casts a faint orange glow, giving me just enough light to pay attention to the tattoos on your hands; a black beaded rosary on your wrist, two detailed skulls with a bride’s veil and a groom’s top hat kissing on the backside of your hand, and letters on your knuckles.


Not just any letters.

J. A. D. E.

…my name.

My eyes grow wide, my heart beats faster, and I scream hard into your hand as I try to pull away.

I feel a sharp, threatening pull on my hair.

“I wish you could remember me, Jade, then maybe this wouldn’t be so hard” you spin me around on my bed so I’m facing you as you’re standing. This is the first time tonight I’ve been able to see your face.

Harry Potter Inspired Non/Dub-Con [straight] [mf] [fantasy]

It was midnight and Hermione couldn’t sleep.

The Triwizard Cup was just days away, and she had promised Harry she’d find a way to remove his name from the tournament so he wouldn’t get hurt. She wanted to clear his name and keep him safe.

She sat up in bed, biting her bottom lip while contemplating whether or not she should try to go back to sleep. She sighed and made up her mind to get out of bed and head to the library to do some more research.

As she tied a thin robe around her silky night dress, she contemplated slipping on panties. She decided it wasn’t worth the effort. No one was ever in the library so late at night.

She padded down the grand hallway of her private school, unaware of the silhouette of a tall, dark figure following her.

She lit a candle and pushed open the heavy door to the main library. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and yawned. A shiver ran through her body and she wished she had worn something warmer. A flick of her wand and a fire sparked and burned brightly in the enormous fireplace.