A/C [fantasy]

It was 3 in the morning, and Sanjay was wide awake. Her covers pushed to the bottom of her bed, and the pillows smushed against her headboard.
The light from her alarm clock gave the room a calm blue glow, and the hum of the fan was the perfect white noise. So why couldn’t she sleep?

Sanjay was restless, switching from a fetal position, to full x extension, then to laying on her stomach. Her gray shorts were beginning to ride up her crotch with all her thrashing. She had shed her pajama shirt a while back, leaving her puffy nippled tits smushed against the mattress.

Sanjay pulled a pillow under her, groaning into it, “I just want to sleep!”
That’s when the A/C kicked on, it’s deep whirr startling Sanjay at first. But she settled when she felt the cold air hit her tan skin. It’s currents dragging along her curves.

The cold feeling almost like strong hands dripping down her. It’s grasp tightening around her thighs, pushing them apart and pulling at her shorts.
The air licking her neck and blowing chilly air on her dark nipples, making them hard. Flicks on the tip of her tits, licks deep in the crook of her neck. The feeling of hands at her thighs once again appearing.
Sanjay bit her lip, the a/c never felt this good before…