I want to drink his cum all day

I’m addicted to that cock
His face turning red
His grunts becoming more excited
A symphony of dirty pleasure
As I make him aroused
I’ll be your favorite lil girl
But when I get fresh
You’ll teach me
To obey
Daddy always gets his way
You’re sick

Categorized as Erotica

True story of the other day

It was like 108 degrees F and I was at a mechanic shop waiting area. I’m of age but I look much younger. I had been running errands all day, and my car broke down on this highway in the sweltering heat. So I got it towed.

When I got in the tow truck I was kind of delirious. I asked him to take me to the nearest mechanic since I wasn’t from the area. The man was a hefty man, sort of intimidating, serious face, almost with some malice. He didn’t answer me.

We drove by this well known gas station chain which I knew had mechanics on sight…it was late afternoon and they seemed legit. The driver said he knew of a better place. I was kind of scared. It was so hot in the truck I could barely see.

We arrived at this smaller kind of older looking building, kind of tucked away but still off the highway.

Once I got in the one story shack, I went to the front desk to ask about repairs. I emphasized how desperate I was. I was overjoyed when they said they could fit me in, they said they didn’t know for sure a time frame…but that I could wait in the waiting parlor.

Categorized as Erotica