Confessions of a MILF Slut – Part 1 – Dinner with the Boss [FFMM][BDSM][MILF][anal][deepthroat]

I was fifteen minutes late for the company meeting. The morning had been a horrible one and it was a miracle that I had made it to the office at all. When I stepped into the conference room everyone else was already there. Up by the whiteboard was a guy I had not seen before. He turned around as I entered. He was about 35 and must have been at least 6’ and had light brown hair.

“Welcome”, he said as I stepped inside with a voice that implied that coming late to his meetings was not something that he appreciated.

I could feel my cheeks blossoming when the whole room turned to look at me. I quickly found a chair at the back next to Sofia from finance.

“To make sure that even the late-comers are up to date. I have taken over after George who has left the company for personal reasons. My name is Johan and I am 36 years old and have previously worked as a general manager for your main competitor, that I will not name by name, but you all know what they’re named. Both to their faces and their backs.”