Breeding the Colony, Part 4 [Breeding] [Creampie]

[Part 1]( – [Part 2]( – [Part 3](

The day had come. The day had finally come for John to breed Dr. Linda Everett, the Overseer of the colony. He lay in bed as rays of sun broke through his bedroom curtains, signaling the start of a new day. He had laid in bed all night, but he did not sleep. Instead, he had staired as the white-gray ceiling of his living quarters as his anticipation of the day to come swirled through his head. He had been sleeping with women for roughly six months by this point, and he had impregnated some 350 women. He had slept with every race, body type, and personality under the sun. And for the most part, he had enjoyed it. What man wouldn’t? He was living the male dream. He was fulfilling his natural instinct to spread his seed far and wide. And yet… something was off about the whole thing. Some of the women, more than he had anticipated did not want to sleep with him. And he had felt guilty, deeply guilty about being forced to procreate with them, and them being forced to do so with him.

Breeding the Colony, Part 3 [Breeding] [Creampie] [Nonconsenual]

[Part 1]( – [Part 2](

Four months had passed since John had spoken with the Overseer about *duty*. It felt like a flash of time. As if only weeks had gone by. But the reality was very different. In truth, John had slept with some 300 women. Or was it 320? He couldn’t remember anymore. His days had become routine. He would wake up, eat breakfast, go to the gym, shower, go to his first *meeting* as he and Ashley had started jokingly calling them. Then eat lunch and attend his second meeting thereafter.

He had been with women of all shapes and sizes, all races and creeds. The only true constant amongst them being their age. They were all over 35 and thus had to be bred before the younger women. Before they lost their remaining eggs and became infertile. And according to the colonial medical team, John had a very high sperm count. Something that should have made breeding these women all the easier. But that, unfortunately, didn’t mean it was a *sure thing* on the first go. Not by a long shot. And for John, this occasionally meant he had to meet with his partners a second time, for their second filling of his seed.

Categorized as Erotica

Breeding the Colony, Part 2 [Breeding] [Creampies]

[Link to Part 1](

Two weeks had passed since John had first had sex with Mary, and in that time he had been with ten other women of varying ages, races, and occupations. His mating had been indiscriminate heat of the moment encounters, generally initiated by the women themselves, rather than John. This was because a few days after he had had sex with Mary, the Overseer announced alongside Mary that she was officially the first pregnant woman on the colony. But more relevantly, they had announced that mothers would not have to work for the last 3 months before the birth or the first six months after the birth. This fact, combined with the fact that all of the women would be getting impregnated sooner or later, spurred some of the women to take some *initiative.*

John was laying in bed pondering on these matters and the developing situation when there was a ring from the door to his living quarters. “Sir, are you awake?” Ashley asked through the speaker.

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