Vacation Rental (Chapter 2) [MF] [No-sex]

Thanks for reading. I’m still new at stories, but am working through a series about a couple who vacations at an almost-too-perfect island rental. This is chapter 2.

I welcome any feedback! Hope you enjoy.


What was this.

It….it felt like someone with very big hands was pinching Matt’s head between two fingers, then releasing it for a second, and then doing it again. Or like his head was stuck between two elevator doors opening and closing and opening and closing. Matt tried to open his eyes, and couldn’t. His face was pushed down into some pillows, and all he could feel was a thump, thump, thump coming from inside his head and echoing into the rest of his body like a jackhammer in a parking lot. He let out a pitiful moan.

Holy shit did he have a hangover. Was this a hangover? This was unlike any hangover he’d ever had.

Where was he? Was it Monday? Did he need to get into the office? He ordered his brain to move his hand, which was sprawled to the other side of the bed, and feel for Anna. His arm reluctantly and clumsily obeyed, flopping from one part of the bed to the other. Nope. No Anna.

Vacation Rental (Chapter 1) [MF] [No-sex]

Hi everyone….I’ve submitted a couple of stories here under another username, but for this series I wanted to use a new account. I’ve been a longtime reader of and I figured I’d try my hand at writing it.

I would *love* feedback of any kind.

I plan on ramping up the sex in later chapters, but I’m a big fan of foreplay and build-up so the first two chapters have a lot of teasing and flirtation and watching and looking, but no sex. Rest assured Matt and Anna will definitely get there.

Hope you enjoy.


“How much did you pay for this Anna? There’s no way we could have afforded this.”

Matt had walked into the room first, and the moment he swung the door open his jaw had dropped.

Inside the room, the floor was perfectly tiled smooth granite. In the front of the room were two large leather couches and between them around a mid-century modern wooden coffee table. Beyond the front seating area were a small kitchen and a dining table. A slightly tinted glass wall to the right revealed the bedroom. Around the corner of that wall was a hallway and another darkly tinted room; it looked like that was a large shower and the bathroom.