Her Property

I came home just after 1 a.m. after a night out on town with my pals. My divine girl friend was doing a major project for college and had decided a night alone would be good for her productivity. So I had gone to a local bar with the guys for a night of pool and darts. I tried to make as little sound as possible as I sneaked in.

Shirley had made a bed for me on the couch, so I undressed there and crept into bed. Just as my head hit the pillow, Shirley showed up in the door to the bed room.

“Hey Honey. How drunk are you?”

“Can’t drive. Can walk straight, My Love.”

“How much have you had?”

“Five pints and a gin tonic, Shirley?”

“On a full night with the boys, when I’d already given you tomorrow off?”


“Why?” She walked over to my side with a wide smile on her divinely beautiful face.

“Didn’t want to be too hungover tomorrow. I figured, you could do with me being decent help at home, so you can concentrate on your assignment, Shirley.”