Quick Stop

He pulled at the white button up that clung to him with sweat as he put another magazine on the shelf. Squinting through the bright light he could see the brightness of summer was already in full bloom outside. He placed the last magazine on the shelf stood from the hunched position he was in and stretched his arms and back. Reaching back he grabbed the cart and pushed it down the the aisle.

When he rounded the aisle he found a old lady looking at one of the shelves.

“Mrs. Nakajima, what are you doing back here?”

“Ah Devin, I was looking for you when I got distracted by the way this shelf was organized.”

“Would you like me to reorganize the shelf?”

“Not today, it’s too hot in the store with the A/C being out. I want you to finish the restocking and take off. The A/C should be fixed tomorrow so when you come back from your weekend it should be much easier to work.”

“Are you sure? It’s not too bad.”

“Kid you are sweating through your shirt, go enjoy the sunshine somewhere that doesn’t feel like a sauna.”