Whole story is free today on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sex-Genie-Lex-Aavos-ebook/dp/B015C7NDZ4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1448801564&sr=8-2&keywords=sex+genie
Do you have weaknesses?
I have a weakness.
I’m a sucker for any mildly captivating get rich quick scheme.
This month, my scheme is treasure hunting via metal detector.
I went out and spent an embarrassing amount of money on this metal detector that was on this infomercial late at night.
I wanted to live the days of my youth and see if I could watch one of those old sexy commercials for old time’s sake, but that wasn’t the case.
I was enraptured in treasure hunting. I was convinced I was going to be Indiana Jones. Except with a lot of money.
I was going to find some random dirty old coin, show it off to some pawn shop/antique person/whatever and be on my way to fame or fortune.
But this was not the case.
I was stuck.
There on the beach.
With my sunglasses on. And a really mediocre wardrobe that only Tom Selleck could pull off.
What can I say, I thought I was going to get dirty and find treasure.
And I’m still waiting.