Work Trip.. [mf][D/s][public]

You send me a message asking where I am, you went to surprise me at my house and found out I was not at home. I send a reply I had a meeting in the city I thought I told you about. You would remember that, you always know where I am. You know which hotel I’m at because I’ve told you before I stay at the same hotel every time I travel to the city for work. Not because you require to know where I am, but you genuinely care you want to know where I am so if you’re so inclined.. I’m easy to find. You send a quick reply to call you when I’m done..

It’s around 7:00 by the time I get back to the hotel, I decide to have a quick meal, I just sit at a small table with two chairs. I move the other chair beside me so I can place my bag on it.. I get lost in my work. You spot me from across the restaurant. You notice I’m wearing a dress you’ve picked out for me before. You can’t see my collar because my back is facing you, my hair is curled and sits half way down my back. You start walking towards me..