Life after a college breakup Parts 0-2 [MF]

Hi everyone. This is my first story… there is quite a bit of buildup before the actual sex. Hope you don't mind, and hope you like! I have a few other parts already written out that come after, will link after I post.

"Well, it's over," Kim muttered as her bf ex boyfriend closed the Skype window. They had started dating when she was starting high school, and had been together for four years. The entirety of her young adult life, basically, and now it was over.

Back when they were dating, she often thought about how they would deal with college (she was in Philadelphia, he in California). It was more of a fantasy than a worry: him visiting, meeting her new friends; spending thanksgivings together for the first time; maybe a spring break together next year; kissing after months apart. She was looking forward to it all, and now, with one sentence, it had ended. "I'm sorry Kim, but I feel like I need to be single in order to thrive here."

"Well," thought Kim. "Fuck it. I can be single and thrive here too."