My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40} Part 7

**I woke up with both of them calling my name telling me to wake up. Lynda said “It’s about time sleepy head. We’ve been trying to wake you up for a minute or two. Did we wear you out last night? Well wake up we have breakfast ready and we’re for you to wake up…..**

**Part 7:**

I looked at Leslie and Lynda , I mumbled good morning and my brain finally caught up with my bleary eyes. The two of them were still naked. “So uh, do you always cook breakfast naked?” Leslie laughed “You don’t need to get dressed to make a bowl of cereal doofus. We just have the cereal box on the table. Last night was great but not great enough for us to bring you breakfast in bed.” Lynda laughed and said “Besides , we are doing laundry and no extra clothes.” “Well, I can see me and Leslie having this problem.. But uh this is your house.. But I will go with it. All your clothes need to be washed too. A gnome came in lastnight and took your clothes.” “Well if it bothers you so much we can always get dressed.” “No, no, don’t get dressed on my behalf.. I can just roll with it. I will manage to conceal my modesty some how.”

y Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40} Part 6

**A little side note first:**

Since this started the summer of last year After this post I am going to skip a few months up to more recent events so after due to the lock down.

With this covid lockdown the Governor had imposed a curfew and said “If you must go out wear a mask” I drove home from Lynda’s the next morning and a cop pull up a long side of me and rolled down his window and yelled “You know you shouldn’t be out unless it’s an emergency right?” I yelled back “She suggested it but didn’t make it a law to be enforced but it was an emergency.” “Oh? Is it serious” I said “It is an emergency if you are a woman.” The cop said “What do you mean?” With my quick footed mind I yelled “Well , my sister started her period and just used her last one. We had some at home so I took them over to her. I;m not trying to be smart but you can call my sister and ask about the tampons…but yeah it was an emergency.” “No thaat’s fine . You are a good brother for doing something like that for your sister.” I yelled back “Wouldn’t you do this for your sister?” The cop said “They didn’t train us guys to do things like that at the academy. You’re a good man Charlie Brown. Go home now” “Yessirofficer” And I drove off.

My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40} Part 5


Lynda was on the edge of coming and I stopped, then I began again finally she arched her back and squeezed her tits hard. But I didn’t stop. I kept eating her pussy. She came again and kept for three or four more times. She would tell me to stop then immediately tell me not to stop. Lynda’s body shook and convulsed several times after I stopped. She would stop and shake several times in small short bursts. When Lynda stopped and breathing hard her ample tits rising and lwering with every breath.
“Jesus Sam,…shit… holy fuck. You wouldn;t stop..I couldn’t stop coming. One after the other.”
I was still out of breath and said “Wait until we make it to the bedroom.”

**PART 5**

My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40} Part 4

Lynda and me laid on our sides looking at each other and talking , Lynda’s hand was on my side and I gently ran my fingers through her hair. My finger traced her jaw line and followed it to under chin. Using my forefinger I pulled her closer until our foreheads touched. I guided her closer. Her chin rested on my forefinger. My thumb rubbed her chin and looked into her eyes.
“Lynda, I don’t think you are pretty, I know you are pretty. You have a beautiful smile, when you smile your dimples show. Your eyes light up. And your cupid bow lips. Very kissable too.”
“Daniel, you are so sweet. I love your high cheek bones and cute smile, and your beautiful blue eyes. I could look into them forever. And you are so sweet and considerate. You make me feel special. And tonight was a first.”
“A first for what?”

“This was the first time ever I had sex with the lights on. I didn’t feel embarrassed about my body. You gave me courage to do that. No other guy has done that before.”

My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40} Part 3

Me and Mrs. Bennett had been fuck buddies for about a month or two and we were laying in bed after a fuck session. Leslie (Mrs. Bennett) rolled over on her side and looked at me. I could tell by the way Leslie was looking at me there was something she wanted to say.

“Okay, Leslie…out with it. There’s something you want to tell me. What is it?””Well Daniel, I was at work and I was talking with a really good close friend. I can tell her anything. And the topic of guys came up. And I mentioned I had a friend. she said that she could tell because I was acting a bit different, a little more happier. Lynda asked if I had a picture of you and I showed her some of the pictures from that barbeque we had with your mom and dad.”

“Yeah so what did she have to say?””Well Daniel, you see the thing is…that nude selfie, She accidentally saw it. I’m sorry Daniel I totally didn’t meant to””Oh geez Leslie….””I’m sorry Daniel””Dont worry Leslie. I’m not mad really…Just curious, what did she say?”Well first she teased me about our age difference, calling me a cougar…..””And?” i asked with feeling I knew what was coming next.”She said you’re cute..””What else did she say?”

My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F40) Part Two Continued

**continued from part 2**

I woke an hour or so later and dinner was ready. As I sat there eating my mind kept wandering to the previous night with Mrs. Bennett. Her perfect tits bouncing up and down as she rode me. I kept asking myself if it really happened because I couldn’t believe it. I actually thought it was a wet dream at one point. Then I remembered her telling me to look out my bedroom window. I went in my room and turned on my bedroom light and did some more reading. As I read my book I heard a sound

“Pssst.. hey Daniel….Daniel you there?” I went to my bedroom window and Mrs. Bennett was there partially leaning out. I opened my blinds all the way

“Yeah, i’m here. What’s up?”
“I told you look out your bedroom window for a reason, turn off your light.”

I went to my light and turned it off. I returned to the window to look at Mrs. Bennett’s. She turned off her light and it was dimly lit by the light on her nightstand. There was enough light in her room to see her. If she took a few steps back you wouldn’t be able to see her.

My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40)

**From part 1:**

“Jesus Daniel, oh fucking christ. I never came like that before. That was fucking amazing. I slid my finger back inside her pussy fingering her faster “JESUS DANIEL! OH FUCK I AM COMING AGAIN OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! ” Leslie came and I withdrew my finger. Leslie’s body convulsed and stopped then convulsed again. Her thighs shook again. Then stopped. Leslie’s breathing was labored . “Holy fuck Daniel, I never had multiple orgasms before.” I leaned over her and whispered “Well now you have.” Leslie pulled me close to her and forcefully kissed me shoving her tongue into my mouth. “Thank you Daniel I needed that.”….”You have my number, anytime…anyplace ….call me.”


Leslie looked at me “What do you mean call you? You aren’t leaving yet are you?” “No I will stay if you want me to.” Leslie grabbed her cellphone and called my mom

“Hey Terri, um it looks like Daniel is staying the night.”
“No, he’s fine…I think I over worked him”
“No, no he’s fine. He just fell asleep on the couch.”
“No, I don’t want to wake him up. I’ll just put a blanket over him.”
“Yeah I know, he is a grown adult and doesn’t have to report to you. I just thought as a courtesy I would let you know.”
“Okay hun, talk to you tomorrow, bye”

My Bedroom Window (M 20) And Mrs. Bennette’s Bedroom Window (F 40)

Mrs. Bennette is my neighbor ever since I was born. Her and her husband moved in next door a year after my parents bought our house. A year later her husband passed away. I don’t know the details though. Last year, during the summer with the lockdown going on I spent most of day in my room reading. And would go to bed after a while. I was sitting on my front porch reading and Mrs. Bennett leaned over her porch railing and said “Daniel I want to talk to you.” “Yeah Mrs. Bennett. what’s up?” “No Daniel, come here I want to talk with you…NOW” The tone in her voice told me I better get my ass over there so I put my book down and walked over to her porch steps. “Come inside with me I want to talk with you.” I walked up her porch steps and went inside. I had been in her house hundreds of times before so it was nothing new. I sat on her couch and said “What’s up Mrs. B?” “Daniel I know what you are doing.” “Uh…reading a book?” “No Daniel. I know you have been watching me.”
“What do you mean Mrs. B?”
“Don’t act innocent with me. I have known for several months now. I know you watch me through your window when I go in my room.”
“Wha..Wait..huh? What are you talking about Mrs. B?”
“Every night when I go in to my room to change, Your bedroom light goes out or is already out. And have seen your bedroom shades and curtains move. Not every night though. But it happens a lot. You have been trying to spy on me.”
“Mrs. B I swear, I am not trying to do anything. I didn’t even know your bedroom was across from mine.”
“Daniel, come be honest with me. I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of your parents. Just admit it.”
“Mrs. B. I swear to god I have no clue what you are talking about.”
“If it’s not you, then why do your shades and curtains move when I am in my room? I’ve even snuck into my room and seen you changing into your sweat pants. Then your light goes out. I know you are looking in my window jerking off. I even have video of your curtains and blinds moving when I am in my room. Six seperate nights.”
“Okay Mrs. B. Let’s see it.”