Truth or Dare part 3 [FF] [MF]


The room went silent… everyone knew that once you say those magical words at a party only two things can happen. The party can either get FUCKIN CRAZY or people are going to get deep and sad… it’s a thin line but would Mel walk it.

Mel chuckled “Jess you cheeky bitch”
Jess just looked a Mel and winked

Side note let me tell you about Jess. Jess is an interesting girl, Short, petite and pale but a fuckin amazing rack, bright blond hair that looks almost white, bright blue eyes and an ass that has no business being on her small little frame, anyway back to the story.

Mel looked Jess right in the eyes almost like she’s trying to undress her… Mel smirks and gives her reply “Truth…” Jess is elated by this her idea of fun had been accepted “ummmm uhhhhh, whats your dream job” the room groans fully expecting to a sexual question since we all know of Jess’s kinky side but then stops and glances over at Mel who’s deep in thought.

Truth or Dare Part 2 [MF] [FF]

Hey guys I got a bit of slack on the last part but that’s cause I forgot to say it was the intro to this 3-4 part series maybe more if I can think of more story. So here it is Part 2
Please leave some comment’s so I know what to work on. Cheers guy’s

I woke up groggy, confused and un-surprisingpy with a massive hard on, “maybe I can sneak a little jack off now” i think to myself.
“Liam, good to see you’re awake do you want some breakfast” says Melissa cheerfully, “um, sure what do we have” I say struggling to hide my boner, “I don’t know I’ll find out, BRIDGET!!! WHAT DID YOU PACK FOR BREAKFAST!!!!”
“UUUUUM I’M COMING” screamed Bridget she soundes a bit out of breath which was odd, did she go for a run?

Bridget emerged from her bedroom in a tight black singlet and a pair of black lace panties with no bra by the look of her hard nipples “sorry, just got out of the uh, shower” said Bridget, “I packed some bread for toast, some eggs and some bacon”
“Sweet, I’ll start getting something ready, Liam can you wake up Ben?” enquired Melissa, “sure thing Mel, just give me a sec to wake up” I stared at my erection hopeing that it would go down before anyone noticed, hopeing that no one would sit down next to me, but of course my hopes did nothing as Bridget sat down next to me.

Truth or Dare : Prologue [MF]

All the following characters are over 18 unless specified.

Please leave a comment saying what you want more or less of.

This is a work of fiction any characteristic similarities are purely coincidental.

This is my first story please be nice, it was originally published on Literotica but i decided to change the names and post here since part 2 wouldn’t upload for me


Hi I’m Liam, I’m an 19 year old Australian, who is short and skinny as fuck so in other words not that attractive, this is the story of the best party of my life.

It started on Melissa’s 18th birthday, Melissa (Mel) was a friend of mind from school, we didn’t have to much in common except that we both loved music and making dirty jokes, I had made a joke that on her 18th birthday I would make up for all the presents I haven’t bought her by giving her a good rooting, little did she know I meant it.

I got a message from Mel a week before her 18th.

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