[M/F] [Public] [Cheating] Las Bragas Cantina, part two.

*This is [the second part](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/eow41s/spring_break_at_the_las_bragas_cantina/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) of my own story, with fictional characters. Although some of the fun parts are based on true experiences..*

Josh’s eyes lit up. “No, but I want to!” Renea had finally managed to get Josh to give up his attempt. I’d make her pay for that. Sarah cut off her kiss with Josh’s friend, although the activity under the table seemed to continue.

“So!” I sat down on the bar top and pulled my shirt and bra down to just above my nipples. I squished the lime softly at the base of my neck, letting a squirt of juice run down between my breasts. Sprinkling salt on the juice, I then unbuttoned my shorts, pulled ‘my’ panties forward and made a little gap to place the shot glass in. “Who’s first?” I popped the lime in my mouth.

“Me!” I thought it would be one of the boys for sure, but it was Renea. She seemed more eager to keep Josh out of it than interested in the shot. Josh stood up and Renea climbed out of the booth. I spread my legs and motioned for her to come forward. She hesitated, then leaned in and whispered “He’s mine” before wrapping her arms around me and licking the salt off in little kisses. My my, how spiteful. I grinned and locked eyes with Josh.

Spring Break at the Las Bragas Cantina.

It had been a long shift at the Las Bragas Cantina. A long week, really. From working the extra hours that come in the May rush in a spring break town to the trouble of commuting without a car, I had served more than my share of margaritas already this night, with still more to go.

Doing my usual rounds, I spun when I felt a hand on my lower back. Some college kid with an empty margarita glass. With my spin his palm was on the front of my jean shorts. I rolled my eyes as he didn’t take it away, but didn’t mention it. Anything for a better tip, right?

I leaned over so my voice would cut through the noise. And maybe to give him a little tease. “Another one?”

“We’re up for a round.. Of tequila!” Was this kid even close to 21?

“Anything specific?” His glazed eyes lowered down my shirt, as his girl’s glared menacingly at him. Ohh, this could be a fun game. “We’ve got Patron, 1800..” I rattled off our list of options by heart. Meanwhile, I shifted my weight to my other side, moving my hips. His hand slid inside my thigh, luckily blocked from view by the high top.

Mandy tries to be good.

He made eyes with me across the room. Well, more at me than with. I felt a flutter in my chest, excitement from being wanted…and from the naughtiness.

Realizing what was coming over me, I slipped out of the frat house and pulled out my phone. I held myself tight, to protect against the cool air and.. myself.

“Hey, I.. I want to see you.” I want to be better, I told myself.

“I’m out at the club social until late, what’s up?”

“I don’t want to be.. bad. I need you.”

There was a pause on the phone. “Still there?” My breathing picked up. He must realize what was going on, and cheating again.. I can’t imagine he would take me back a third time.

“What are you wearing?” His voice had chilled. This wasn’t a request. I looked down to take inventory; it recentered me.

My voice quivered. “Jean skirt and an off the shoulder black top.”

“And?” It was so simple, so short.

“My brown strap sandals, the ones with the two inch heels.” There was silence on his end, and I realized he wanted a full inventory. No, demanded. My heart started racing. I looked around to ensure no one was eaves dropping.

[m/f, f/f] [wetting] Poolside Temptations – Chapter 3.

*This is the third part of an ongoing series. If you would like to start at the beginning, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/baehgj/mf_wetting_poolside_temptations/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).*

The rumors at school were intense, so much that no reasonably minded teenager would believe them. An underclassman had snuck into the women’s room at a pool, masquerading as a girl to masterbate as he peeped on the others.


It had been a week since the alleged incident. A quiet week; Jules (or Tom as he was now being called) had kept his distance and my insides needed a chance to recover.

That didn’t stop my teasing, though. My usual lower-than-necessary shorts had given way to low riding jeans with the fall weather, but that didn’t stop the eyes tracing my waist or the hands gracing my ass in the hall.

Not all of them were classmates.

I sat down at the lunchroom with my tray. I felt my jeans creep down, turning my thong into a black whale tail. Hearing someone sit next to me I looked up expecting to see my friend Ashley, but instead it was Jules.

Seducing the Rookie Teacher [M/f]

Mr. Jones was a fair teacher, at least as far as Trig goes. His tests were rehashed homework questions, which were rehashed classroom assignments. His face looked like a rehashed school boy, with a fledgling beard trying to hide how fresh out of college he was. Being his last class he was always tired, but he did try.

The material wasn’t rocket science. I did my work, spoke up in class, which is why I looked at him with waterlogged eyes when he handed my test back.


Such a terrible score, and for most kids this would be a terrible end to a long school day. Being in the back of the room gave me plenty of time to rehearse my reaction, to give my performance the dread the role required.

It’s not that I couldn’t learn the material, or hated math. Or him. Quite the opposite; I knew the material backwards and forwards. The way he stuttered when answering a question he didn’t have an answer for was adorable. The way his eyes lingered on a low hanging pendant before looking up abashed even more so.

I wore a lot of necklaces.

Categorized as Erotica

[m/f] [wetting] An Overzealous Tutor, Part 1

With money short and the school year nearing it’s end, now was the time to find a new client. As much as I was looking forward to finishing my junior year, it meant my tutoring jobs would dry up. Sitting on the top of the jungle gym I stretched back, pushing my chest out. My spaghetti strap top slipped up to show my belly button. When I stopped stretching my shirt stayed up. Perfect. I took a moment to look around from the higher vantage point.

There were more than a handful of kids running around, their parents watching from the side. Most were conversing with each other, barely paying attention to anything. I caught a few pairs of dad eyes on me. Or rather my breasts. Time to fix that.

I pulled one knee to my chest, pretending to stretch. My white shorts pulled well up my thighs. Glancing back at the crowd there was one tall fellow particularly focused, his gaze so intense he might as well be penetrating me on the spot. I stopped stretching and straddled the top bar, closing my eyes and bite my top lip. It was too much pressure to be pleasurable, but tall blue shirt dad guy didn’t have to know that.

[m/f] [wetting] Poolside Temptations – Chapter 2

*This is the second half of a two part story, you can read the first part [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/baehgj/mf_wetting_poolside_temptations/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It is creative writing of my own devices.*

Leaving the pool house, I stopped to dip a foot in the shallow end before continuing on my way. Just as I got to the pool gate, my phone buzzed. I reached in and pulled it out of my purse and saw I had a new text.

>I’m stuck here, need help!

Well that’s curious. I opened the gate and kept walking. I kept a casual pace, enough that passing cars could get continued glimpses of my thighs, but not be certain that there was nothing to my bikini below the top. Guess I should pick up the pace.

>Just…walk out??

Really, kids these days.

>Girls here now, can’t. One in stall right next to me. Pls! What do you want?

What did I want? Maybe a massage. Or someone to take my history test.

>Okay okay, but you owe me. Peek and tell me who’s next over.

>Don’t know.

>Send me a picture.

Categorized as Erotica

[m/f] [wetting] Poolside Temptations

I had had enough of the sun. It was fun laying out by the pool, getting some color and teasing the boys. Putting on more lotion, rolling over, adjusting my white and yellow daisy bikini.. it’s all innocent, right? Even if my straps are pulled down so my shoulders can get some sun, or my swimsuit rides up into all my little crevasses. Putting on sunglasses so I can pretend to doze as boys of all ages eye fuck me, or pretend to check my phone, just to look up at them in the eyes just before they look away embarrassed.

But after a while it gets old. I can only take getting so worked up before needing a release. It’s fun getting wet without taking a swim, but now I craved more. I scoped out the crowd one last time, and a teenage boy – Jules – caught my eye. He was waiting by the men’s room, and in the meantime scoping out the sights. In particular, me.