Slipping in at the Waterslide [M/F, Public, Wetting]

It was hot. Reclining in a beach chair and sipping ice water should have been enough, but being in direct sunlight was brutal. There were chairs at the water park in the shade, but this spot offered a particular advantage. Especially with proper preparation.

I word wiped sweat from my brow and adjusted my sunglasses, then untied my board shorts. I’d need some extra room today.

Sitting on a bridge over just the end of the Big Dip, the chairs were in the splash zone of the largest water slide in the park. It was meant to add to the thrill, the big drop curving underneath and then up and around the bridge was a rush in and of itself. But because of the constant screaming and splashing, not to mention the direct sunlight, the chairs were rarely used.

What they did do, however, was offer an up close view of the sliders. First as they crossed the bridge, occasionally stopping to view the sliders on their way down and providing an excellent display of their backside – particularly from my lower viewing angle.

Categorized as Erotica

Cumming with Petty Revenge, Chapter 2.

This is the second chapter of a lovely story about what happens when you leave the keys to your apartment with a girl you’re cheating on. You can read the first part [here.](


I was actually getting dressed – into my clubbing attire. Letting the yellow strings be my underwear, I pulled my sheer white top over it. Then up went my little black skirt. Jack would have loved it, seeing brief flashes of the skin my lingerie didn’t cover peek out as I moved. Tonight more than just Jack would see. And feel.

I felt dirty with the open air having free access to my privates, but this is what my mission called for. Being left behind was a betrayal, and I would make him jealous for it. More than jealous. It made me flush with anger, my face giving off heat. As I thought about my plan my privates also radiated heat.

“What do you think? Sides okay?” Send. The photo showed the curves of my sides and hips with the bands of yellow running across. It felt devious, sending photos of me dressed one way when I was really dressed another. I slid my hand down the front of my skirt and ran a finger just between my lips. Mmm. Such a nice gliding feeling. And a dip inside.. No no no. I couldn’t get off now.

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Cumming with Petty Revenge, Chapter 1.

“I think it’s just going to be a guys trip, sorry bae.” The text from Jack was unexpected only because it was two in the morning. He had been extremely flakey recently and this was only the most recent offense. Still, it stung. Nevada would have been an awesome road trip – the stars, wilderness, snuggled up in the backseat..

My response wasn’t to Jack but to our mutual friend Sean. “Just you guys huh?” The shrug emoji was such s downplay of what I was really feeling.

“Yep, just us and Erica.” Wait, the hell? Erica had been slowly working her way into the circle. She was fine, a little bubbly – both upstairs and her backside too. She had a habit of brushing against the guys. We didn’t get along, but that was because when she was around Jack tended to get more angsty. He would grab my butt in public, and when I moved his hand away he would scoff.

As the weekend edged closer my blood boiled over. Jack and I were done, and I knew just how I wanted to end it. On Thursday we went to the mall so he could pick up some warmer clothes for his trip.

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Just. Don’t. Move. [MF]

One hundred thousand dollars. It was so much. Such an unbelievable sum, a life changing amount. I could buy a car, or hell even a house. A small one, but still. Six figures in my bank account would be so gorgeous.

All for one night.

What could he want that would be worth all that? And who could he be to afford it? Meeting an internet stranger was scary enough, but one that would pay that kind of money for a girl must be into something seriously fucked up. It made me wet just thinking about it.

Not panty drenching knee quaking levels of horniness. Well there was some shaking, but that was the nerves. More just a mild slipperiness, like the first drops of water tickling their way across the veins of a leaf. A momentary enjoyment that I could focus on if I so pleased. And I would, if I wasn’t also terrified.

It was such a simple message. $100k, one night. Interested? That part didn’t scare me. It was what it didn’t say that did.

Cheating at Game Night

I had just closed the oven door when the doorbell rang.

“Honey? You expecting someone?” I quickly hurried to the front door and cracked it open. I wasn’t indecent, not exactly anyway. Wearing an oversized pink t-shirt and black cotton panties meant at least I was covered.

“Dalton! What brings you over?” Dalton paused, knowing whatever answer he gave would get his friend Arlo in trouble. I could see the six pack in his hands.

“I’m here to watch the game!” Figures.

“Come right in!” I opened the door and lead the way into the living room. Turning gave him a free look at my back. My shirt covered my backside and hid my intimate black fabric, but only just. I’m not usually a tease, but it felt like just revenge on Arlo for our unexpected guest.

He took a seat in the recliner while I lounged on the couch, my feet facing him. His eyes drank me in. Damn did it feel nice to be noticed!

“What game are you watching?” I made small talk.

New York or Bust

Taking the bus to New York wasn’t my favorite method of travel, but expenses were tight and we were determined to make the most of the trip. The bus never seemed to settle and coast. Every bump was exaggerated by the air suspension, which took out the hard jolts and replaced them with ever constant bouncing.

Melanie didn’t seem to have any problem with it. She was fast asleep against the window, nestled up in a v-neck cardigan and using her purse as a pillow. Her earbuds were in, listening to some acoustic rock playlist no doubt.

But while her brown eyes were fast asleep, mine were wide open. The bouncing was getting worse. Or maybe it wasn’t – just the coke I had before we boarded starting to work its way through my system. What was initially just uncomfortable and annoying turned into consistent little aches in my bladder. Only they weren’t little anymore. I shifted, then shifted again, undoing the belt in my jeans to try and make myself comfortable. Nothing helped.

Late Again

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. I ran to my car and tossed my bags in the back seat. Jeff was going to kill me! I sped out of the parking lot. Luckily Lucy’s day care was just down the road from the mall, but it was already five o’clock.

I pulled up and it was as I feared: Lucy was the only one on the playground. The attendant immediately started walking to my car. I rolled down the window.

“I know I know, I appreciate you babysitting extra -” his glare cut my off.

“I’m not a babysitter Mrs. Trello, I’m a child education specialist.” So high and mighty. He pointed to his name tag, which just made me chuckle. Who names their kid Peter when their last name is Held?

The chuckle didn’t amuse him. “Look, it’s a dollar a minute if you’re late, and double if you’re a repeat offender. That’s $135 Mrs. Trello.” My heart sank. Too much money. Not that it was tight, but no way was I going to play that to a glorified babysitter for an hour’s work. Besides the punishment Jeff would have in store when he saw the bill..

Categorized as Erotica

Under Hazel’s Supervision – Part One

This is the first part of a back an forth collaboration with /u/grey0909. Let’s see where this goes!

Standing in front of my dresser, I rummaged through my underwear drawer. Usually this was the fastest choice of my day – grab and go. Most girls fuss over what panty lines stay hidden with their outfit, but not me. I don’t care what they think, and guys don’t mind a preview of what’s underneath.

But today is different. It’s always different when you know someone is going to see you in your panties; it’s way different when it’s multiple someones. I pulled out a lacy white pair and put them on.

Lace is tricky. A little looks awesome, but too much and it looks antique. It can also be starchy and rough, a big issue when there’s going to be ‘activity’ in them. The lace on these was a fine soft mesh. Not the most elegant, but allowed for practical grinding and a “Yes, you would like to fuck this” look.

Losing Control

I threw my pencil at him.

I’m sure he didn’t mean it maliciously, but not reacting when a guy implies you need dick in a bad way is asking for trouble. Of course, reacting the way I did was too. But it wasn’t my fault my boyfriend had an internship this semester. It wasn’t my fault he was right.

Sam chuckled and picked up the pencil. He made a fist with one hand, then slid the pencil inside it down to the eraser. And that’s when I lost control.

Our classmates merely laughed at his joke, and when our professor looked our way everyone settled down and went back to focus on the lecture. Except for me.

When his pencil entered his fist I felt something penetrating me. I still had on my jean shorts and yellow cotton panties, wasn’t being touched at all, yet I could feel every inch of myself being filled. My jaw dropped, my eyes opened wide. My hand immediately shot to my crotch. No one noticed except Sam. He quietly grinned, happy I was playing along with his joke.

Innocent Emily’s Blind Date [m/f] [f/f] [voyeur] [incest]

“Hi, I’m Emily,” I said with a nervous twinge, fidgeting with the sides of my green dress. The restaurant was practically empty, the servers doing their best to give us space, but their occasional glances were enough to feel like a spotlight was on our table. Not exactly how I expected this blind date to start.

“I’m Josh, nice to meet you!” He feigned excitement, but I could tell he was let down. Maybe it was my conservative outfit – having a high cut top and a floor length skirt wasn’t in style, but there was no way I’d go out looking like Sasha. What if my parents found out?!

He reached out and I shook his hand. He looked at me awkwardly and I realized I should sit down.

“What’s good here?” I asked. I eyed the menu, not recognizing most of the fancy dish names. I found something safe that I recognized and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, I don’t know. Anything’s good, just don’t get something boring like chicken fingers,” he chuckled to himself.

“Oh, yeah, of course not..” I tried to smile while looking at the menu for something else. When the waiter came I pointed blindly at something on the menu.