Confessions of a West Palm Slut – The Rising (Chapter 20)

Not surprisingly my schedule at work immediately changed to Thursday’s, Friday’s, and Sunday’s – the three days of the week Trent worked. Each of the days I was scheduled to close for reasons which remained unspoken. At the end of my shift I would wipe down the bar, clean, close and lock the register, and do a final walk through, always ending at the men’s room. Most nights Trent was already in there and if he wasn’t, I would sit in there and wait for him.

The routine was the same each night for over a month. He would lean back against the bathroom sink. I would kneel down, take off his shorts, and suck him to completion. Trent lasted longer as the days passed but it still never took me more than five minutes to receive his deposit. I would swallow his cum and leave without even a goodbye. Our unspoken secret. As little words as possible. If I was going to be the supposed blow job queen of West Palm, this was certainly a way to keep my skills in tact.

NSFW – Confessions of a West Palm Slut (Chapter 2)

It was Sunday, and unseasonably cold for October in West Palm Beach. Or so I was told. I had only been living here about a month or so. It had been two weeks since I went out on a date with Shane. We crossed paths at my work once since that time but did nothing other than exchange pleasantries and small talk. He was there to watch college football and hang out with Jimmy, but Jimmy spent most of his time either serving drinks or arguing with his girlfriend, Kat, who was also a bartender at our restaurant. Kat and Jimmy didn’t officially live together but she slept at his apartment more often than not. You could tell they were spending too much time together by the way they bickered about every little thing. It made most of us at work uncomfortable but not to the point of intervening.

Other than chatting with my coworkers while working, I didn’t have much in the way of friends. My roommate and her boyfriend never left her bedroom, let alone the house. They were extreme homebodies which was not helping my assimilation to West Palm social life. I missed gossiping; having a friend to grab a drink or dinner with. So when Jimmy and Kat invited me out on Tuesday night, I jumped at the chance. I was desperate to make friends and become more comfortable and Kat and Jimmy seemed to know everyone.

NSFW – Confessions of a West Palm Slut (Chapter 1)

{I want to give some backstory to this and future submissions I am a white woman and my stories from West Palm Beach occurred from the age of 24-34 years old. (I’m now 41 years old, married, and living back in Virginia.). At the age of 24 I broke up with my boyfriend of four years and moved from Virginia to Florida; West Palm Beach to be exact. I moved in with a friend of mine who I had met in college prior to both of us dropping out. I was hired as a waitress at a bar/restaurant I will not name. My stories pick up from there. The names have been changed for anonymity. Future Chapters will be posted here every Wednesday and Saturday around lunchtime EST. My hope is to improve my writing and storytelling with each Chapter. }

Upon moving to West Palm Beach from Virginia, I was able to secure a job as a waitress with no experience. Needless to say it took some adjusting. To be honest I had never held a job other than being a swim instructor growing up. Waitressing was a fun job but very stressful at first – especially for someone who has bouts of anxiety such as myself. Top it off with having to make new friends and living away from my family and I was a certifiable mess.

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