A camelride on the bus (Tales from Frivarld 1) [mf] [exh] [voy] [cfnm] [grinding] [yoga pants]

This story takes place in a universe boringly similar to ours, with the sole exception that social norms are a bit more libertine and casual sex is seen as a legitimate way of interaction between strangers.

There still were some minuets left until my bus would halt at the bus stop at which I had just arrived. It would bring me home from a day at university which had left my head feeling like a useless globe of lead and the words of our lecturer still echoed in his monotonous voice in my head when the yellow vehicle finally pulled up in front of me. As expected, by the time the bus had arrived at my bus stop, which was situated halfway down its route, all viable seats had already been occupied and the only option left for me would as usual be to stand on the square platform located in the middle of the bus where the door was. It was designed for buggies, actually, but was normally populated by commuters like me who had been unsuccessful in the run for seats.