Tentacles and Pleasure (F)

She woke up and looked around the room. It was a white, sterile looking place with somewhat bright lights shining down on her. She tried to roll over, but found she was naked and suspended in mid-air by thick, leather straps.

She had a feeling she should feel scared, but after the prick she’d received to the leg a little earlier she felt very calm, serene even. This place should scare her, after all, this wasn’t her bedroom where she’d gone to sleep.

She slowly blinked as a door swished open beside her.
“She’s awake,” A male voice said “good.”
“The injection we gave her worked, I’m not detecting any stress.” A second male voice said.
“We’ll leave the room for now, but we’ll be close by.” The first male voice said “If it gets to be too much yell the word red and it’ll stop.”
“What will stop?” She asked, she couldn’t turn her head to study the men, nor did she care to.
“You’ll see.” The second male voice said and both men left the room.