My name is Stephen, I’m a 20-year-old college sophomore, and I’ve had a pregnancy fetish for as long as I’ve been aware of sex (and a non-erotic fascination with pregnant women since well before that). Sorry if that sounded like an introduction at a support group, but I almost feel like a support group is what I need at this point. How the hell am I supposed to get with a pregnant woman?

I’ve never had a serious girlfriend. I’m not even sure I want kids, never mind knocking someone up in the foreseeable future. I’m not super comfortable seeking out a pregnant escort, even if they were at all easy to find. Jerking off to pregnant porn isn’t quite cutting it for me anymore, and I feel truly desperate to do something with my desires as they creep closer and closer to obsession.

There’s an avenue toward realizing some of my fantasies that I’ve yet to explore, though: lucid dreaming. If I can manage to learn to take control of my dreams, I can have dream sex with pregnant ladies to my heart’s content. Nightly, even. It’s not the real thing, but I think it’s the best I can do at the moment, and I’m ready to put in the time to get it going. If I can pull it off, it will be worth just about any amount of time and effort it may require.