love is a losing game pt3 the end m/f anal light kink please excuse spelling and grammar

The next thing she knew the sun was shining in her face letting her know that it was time to get up. Stretching her body to it’s full maybe 5 foot 1 inches she rolled over hoping to see the man who had so well please her the night before only to be greeted by a rose. Smiling she pulled the covers off of her surprisingly still nude body and grabbed the nearest shirt, smelled it, and upon noting that it was not one that had to desperately be cleaned she pulled it over her head and headed off the bathroom to relieve another type of tension. “Oh lords” she said as soon as she got a look in the mirror, her hair looked like the little fuzzy thing in the movie The Dark Crystal. No use trying to tame these wild locks now she thought to herself and she pulled it up into a bun and walked out into the rest of the house looking for her long lost bed companion.
Click. She heard the front door open and close as she reached into the cupboard to grab a glass for water. From her hidden spot in the kitchen she noted that he was in just a pair of sweat paints, he had gone and gotten her bags out of the car, and due to the way he was gasping for air he had run from the car to the house meaning one thing……knock, knock, knock. “Dimmit” she heard him mutter and watched him as he walked up the long hallway to the front door. Curiosity killed the cat but….. She thought as a wicked grin spread across her face as the put her glass down and walked through the kitchen and out the other side and across the living room to glance down the hallway to see what was going on at the front door. “No thank you” his voice came down the hall as she poked her head out at the entrance to the hallway. Hum must be someone selling something, Mormons, or Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to show him the way. Ha she thought if only they knew the wicked things he had done to her the night before they would know that there was nothing they could do to save him from damnation. Getting a wild idea in her head she tiptoed down the walk way, softly pressed her body against his back, and her hands found their way to the front of his body and down into his sweat paints. His just seconds before soft member jumped as her soft hands began to role him. “If you let them know what is going on I will stop” she said quietly enough that only he heard what she said or that she said anything at all. Grinning like that cat that ate the canary she encircled his now very happy member and stroked him the point that she wondered how the hell he managed to still be inside his paints and then got an even bolder idea as she released one side and dropped to her knees. Crawling around she managed to fit between him and the door and then pulled his paints down just enough to release Mr. Happy and plopped him into her mouth. “Um yes” she heard him answer to a well at least to her and unheard question and watched as he had a body jerk from the pleasers of her hot mouth as it worked up and down his now very firm member. Working him up and down licking every last inch and then sucking the head through her tightly closed mouth knowing that the more she worked him the harder it would be for him to keep the person on the other side of the door unaware of what is going on. That in it-self turned her on more then the pure joy of having him in her mouth.
“yes you too have a nice day” he managed to rush out as he shut the door and looked down at her very evil attempting to look innocent face as she reached the end of him and just for good measure sucked him all the way down to the end of his shaft and he felt the back of her throat with the tip of his head. “oh god” he managed to squeak out before she pushed him back against the door that he just moments ago was talking to the neighbor about the sounds coming from his house the night before. God her mouth felt like heaven and hell on earth all at the same time. It did not help that she seemed to enjoy doing this as much as he enjoyed her doing it at least that is what the moans and growls coming from her could point out to him. Just as he thought that he was going to go crazy and drive his dick through the back of her neck she released him and grabbed his hand. What the hell…. Went through his mind and just as quickly went out as she pulled him into the living room, pushed him down into his over sized sitting chair, pulled his sweat paints the rest of the way off, and threw them across the room before she crawled up into his lap like the bad little girl on Christmas eve telling Santa that she wanted a sex swing for Christmas. Damn she was no longer the innocent one he knew so long ago and in her place was a wild sex vixen and oh damn the things she was putting in to his head. Before he had a moment to think he felt her sink down and grabbed every inch of him in her warm velvet love box.
As she placed her hands on each side of his face and brought his lips to her he found that the only thing that rivaled the heat of her sexual core was the heat of her mouth as she attempted to swallow his very soul. With a knowing wicked grin she intertwined her hands on the back of his neck forcing him to look her right in the eyes as she started moving her hips, she made him watch every time she moaned, every twitch of her face, making sure that he knew everything that she felt, from the smallest orgasmic twitch to the mind blowing orgasm that fallowed. She made sure that he fallowed every wave and every peak. Once she was sure that he was riding with her she decided to up the game to the next level and put her hands on his knees and started to rock her hips back and fourth pulling him in and out letting him hit her g spot with each rock causing her to get louder and louder letting him know how good he felt inside her. Every time she felt that he was close to going over she would stop and just smile, knowing that with time she brought him to the edge and stopped that it would prolong his pleasure. “damn” he thought in the back of his head knowing that she would stretch him to the thinnest she could get before letting him go, him being well him, thought against that. Just as she was about to stop again he grabbed her hips, slid further down into the chair and proceeded to make her body move and meet each of his upward thrusts with such force that her body shook and screams of pleasure mixed with pain filled the once silent house. Feeling that she was going to be rocked off the face of the earth she did the only thing she could and grabbed the back of his neck and held on for dear life. Holding her hips he made her ride each thrust giving him more of an angle to penetrate her. One, two, three he popped into her to the fullest he could causing her to moan, scream, and beg. Oh gods that drove him up a wall when she did that. Each time she managed to get an inch he would push down on her hips slamming her back down filling his ears with her wonderful song of pleasure. Both of them knew that this dance was coming to an end and so they each upped the game. He pushed further and she moved her hips giving him as much as she could. He wanted her as close to him and as soon as he felt her body stiffen from the build up of her orgasm he grabbed her around her back and pulled her close as he pumped the last few times that it took to push himself over the edge with her. He held her close and loved the feel of her body as he felt his body release what felt like years of tension.
Slowly she lifted her head off of his chest and looked him in the face and breathlessly managed to say “good morning” before laying her head back on his shoulder. “Morning” he chuckled before lifting her up, laid her on the couch, and went to clean him self up. Coming back he mentioned that he brought her things in from the car and that he had the bathroom set up for her to take a relaxing bath. When she went to look and see what he had done she found he had lit candles, had a warm bubble bath run, and relaxing music playing. Damn he was good she thought to herself as she pulled off his shirt and sunk into the warm depths of her bath. “I have to run to pick something up will you be ok?” He asked from the doorway. “mmmmm” she mumbled”only if I can get a kiss before you go” she replied with a grin. Bending down he kissed her lips once again stroking the fires of desire that she knew that later her would assist in extinguishing.
When the water started the get cool she decided it was time to face the day and dug around her bag to find her wrap around sun dress to put on after drying off. Once dressed she decided to investigate the house, down the hall from the bathroom was his office and inside she found a load of books. Running her fingers down the spines of each of them loving the feeling of each of them knowing that each of them held a story that it longed to share, grabbing the one she felt she would enjoy the most she wandered into the back yard to lay out under the sun. She must have drifted off to sleep as the next thing she knew is that the shade from the tree was now over the spot where she had laid out. From the house he watched the pattern of the light and dark as it danced upon her pale skin envying the suns rays wishing that they where his lips upon her sun warmed skin.
Pulling the door open hoping that she did not hear he walked out into the yard loving the fact that she was here and for now she was his. He loved the way the sun made her hair turn into a deep red as she laid sleeping under the tree. He wondered if she was going commando under that short dress and with a mischievous grin he walked across the yard to find out. Bending down he ran his hand up the back of her leg and under the trim of the dress slowly moving further and further up and as of yet had found no undergarments and since his hand was moving over the top of the still very firm ass he was pretty sure that she wasn’t wearing any. Knowing just the right way to perk her up he pulled up the hem of her dress and instead of placing a gentle kiss he proceeded to bite her cheek leaving what he knew would be a nice circler mark. As soon as he clamped down her body movement let him know that she was up and she was enjoying his teeth as much as he enjoyed doing it. “Sorry to wake you up but I just couldn’t stand by and watch you sleep the sunset away.” He said from his vantage point running his hands across her upper thighs and ass. “I was awake. I just wanted to see what you would do” she said as she enjoyed the places that his hands where wondering to. “Oh really” he replied as he smacked her ass. With a challenging look in her eyes she rolled over only to meet his lips as he knew what she planed to do and he met her challenge dead on, this was his game and this time he was going to win. Using his lips to push her down he covered her body with his. His legs intertwined with hers and his hand running up and down her body loving the way she responded to his touch.
He hoped that she would love his game. His hand moved up her leg even higher then her now somewhat bunched up sun dress went, found her core, and finding her already wet he pushed two fingers inside causing her to moan letting him know she enjoyed his touch. “You keep that up and I will stop” he whispered into her ear letting her in on his little game knowing that she is going to love it just as much as he is, just he has to make sure to keep the upper hand. Keeping his one hand where it was presently and with the other he lifted the dress reavealing the wonder-us body he knew oh so well from his dreams and well the night before. He knew just the way to drive her up a wall he licked his lips, then he licked the tip of her nipple, sucked it into his warm mouth, and then released it only to let the cool breeze take it’s turn. He loved watching her squirm knowing that she was use to being in charge and relished in the fact that she was a screamer. Now he knew was the time to start fucking with her. Laying next to her he removed his hand from between her legs and starting with her ears he took turns switching between light nibbles and hard bites, marking her as his and letting her know who was in charge here. “You know you want to scream” he whispered into her ear.
He worked his way down her body only stopping to blow on her already heated core. Not paying anymore then a passing blow he moved down her legs and to her feet. He took his time doing what he was about to do thinking and trying to find the place to put his lips that would make her want to scream the most. Fuck it he thought and licked her foot from the heel to the toes before sucking on each delicate toe loving watching her dance with wanting to moan. With her hands free she got the idea that she could help herself along and tried to put her hands between her legs only to have him stop and bark out “No, put your hands under your body” he commanded and he got up and walked into the house leaving her to think she had just royally fucked up. When he came back out she had rolled over and was starting to put her dress back on. “oh really” he popped out letting her know that he in no way approved of what she was doing and she put the dress back down on the blanket. He walked up to her and told her to look away from him and close her eyes.
Got to make sure she went completely nuts and knew that this was his game. Pulling her hair back he tied the silk around her face covering her eyes, pulling more he made her lay down and commanded her to put her hands above her head and also tied them so that she could not help herself. Knowing that she could not take over he went back to the task at hand. Licking each toe, and then sucking each of them one at a time into his mouth while rubbing up her and down her leg driving her up a wall. He moved from one foot to the other and he was loving every second of it and knowing by the little mewling sound coming from her that she was going crazy. “Good little girl, scream for daddy” he thought as he started working his way up her leg kissing and licking. Keeping her silent was driving him just as crazy as it was her. God he wanted her taste on his lips, he wanted to see her body dance as his tongue did its own dance. He laid out and then tried to figure out the age old question how many licks dose it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Going crazy he licked every inch of her he could touch and then pushed his hands under her lifting her by her ass giving him even more of her to lick. “ohhh” she moaned causing him to stop. “No noise little girl” he said before he dove back in like his life depended on sucking and licking the life out of her.
After what felt like forever in heaven and having to adjust him-self a few times to keep from harming a crucial part of his anatomy he crawled up her body and whispered into her ear “how much do you want me inside you?” “Please” she begged. “Not enough” he told her knowing that she would remember what he loved to hear. “Please give it to me Daddy” she begged, as soon as he heard the last word he slid all the way inside her. “oh god you feel so good” he whispered into her ear and started to pull out and back in fallowing a rhythm that would send them both over the edge. “Do you like that” he whispered knowing the answer by the way she was biting her lip. “Tell me what you like and how you like it” he commanded letting his dominant side come out to play. “Tell me” he commanded once again only this time he pulled all the way out and just stayed right there far enough away that even if she lifted her hips and tried to find him she couldn’t. “Tell me or you get no more” he commanded again this time right next to her ear. “I love the way you make me want to scream, I love the way you fell me to the brim, and I love you daddy, please give it to me” she begged and he went crazy pushing into her lifting her hips up off the ground leaving only her shoulders on the ground and gave her every inch of him and tried to give her even more. “You like this little girl” he managed to say between his teeth clamped shut with the presser that was building up inside and just before he pitched them both over the edge he pulled the blindfold off of her eyes letting her see him in the throws of passion and the rays of the setting sun behind him. Letting go and orgasm that ripped the air from his lungs and caused her to let every single person in the neighborhood know just what was going on in that backyard.
As the sun tucked itself into bed both lovers where just starting to recover enough to be able to breath, he released her hands, pulled her close and pulled the blanket over them just in case someone thought it ok to pop their head over and see if they where ok. Enjoying the stars as they came out he felt that this was right, he pulled her even closer, kissed the top of her head and whispered “I love you too”. BEEP……….BEEP……..BEEP……..BEEP slam a hand came out from under the warn out blanket to shut off the most annoying thing in the world at that moment, then the hand pulled the blanket out of her face as she got up to face the day the same way she had for the past 2 or 3 years since he had been taken from her so tragically and she cried tears that she was so sure had long past had gone dry. Damn she loved having that dream but at the same time it broke her heart to wake up and face life after him. Throwing the balled up blanket back on the bed she went to face this so called life with out the other half of her heart. After getting dressed she walked out of the house and opened the door to the rising sun and walked out with her head held high and a tear running down her cheek.

Love is a losing game pt 2 m/f anal minor kink *bad grammar and spelling sorry*

Knowing this was going to feel so good but he had to take him time as not to hurt her and she might never give him the chance to do this again, he used his lips on the back of her neck and shoulders to relax her as he pored some of the liquid from the bottle onto his hand and rubbed it between his fingers. “Put your hands on the wall” he said and he pulled her hips back. Knowing that true patience would end well for him he leaned on his shoulder and used his liquid covered fingers to trace the line of her ass crack. He barely kept himself from groaning knowing how long he had waited and wanted this moment. Again he swiped his finger only this time stopping at the point of entry and while taking a deep breath and thanking the gods above for this moment, he pushed his finger in and waited for her body to adjust. After what seemed to him like forever he began what he knew was going to be a long process and pulled his finger out and then pushed it back in. After doing this enough that he felt her body relaxing he added more of the liquid and another finger. After about 20 minutes or so of him working his fingers and waiting watch her body for the signs that she was ready and then even waiting a little bit more wanting this to be perfect. He then removed his fingers and using what felt like half of the damn bottle he pushed himself to the one place he had longing to be and asked her if she was ready. “Yes” she said as she pushed her hips back pushing just the tip of his head in.
He grabbed her hips to keep himself from just pushing every last inch of himself deep inside her. Breath he reminded himself. Take you time or you will never get to do this again. After taking a moment to concentrate and keep himself from spilling right then and there he slowly started to work his way inside her. “oh god” he softly groaned into her hair and the back of her neck as he felt that part of him going further and further inside her slowly reaching the point that he knew would eventually but all to soon send him over the edge. Once his head managed to pass the first ring he stopped knowing that taking just a moment here would cause not only her but him to go completely crazy. So her took his hands off her hips and started to slowly stroke the small of her back. Knowing that she wanted him deep inside her she pushed back against him giving him a silent sign that it was ok to move on. With the tip he could feel the second ring and knew that as soon as he got past that it was smooth sailing from then on.
So he put his arm around her waist and with the free hand he circled himself pulling the skin tight making the transaction from out side to in just a little bit smoother and proceeded to push. “hold on little girl” he whispered into her ear as he felt the two of them become one and knew by the slight movement of her body that she was now on the tips of her toes. He heard a small whimper and he knew that he was almost all the way in but that this was also the most painful part so he remove the hand that was holding himself and laid it flat over the part of her body that he just mere moments ago was pounding into submission and pressed knowing that this would help and quickly pushed the rest of the way in. Feeling like he had just ran a marathon he just stood there and held her feeling that she was the only thing holding him from drifting off into space.
Once he had time to adjust he began to pull out and push back in loving felling every inch as it moved in and out of her. Knowing that neither of them would last long, he began to pound her like her screams and moans were the difference between life and death. Feeling his balls tightening up and her body contracting around him he knew this joy ride would not last much longer, knowing that he wanted to get the most out of this he pushed her into the wall praying that she did not hit the shower knobs and at the same time not caring. “Cum for me” he growled into her ear and bit he neck knowing that would just be one more thing to cause her to fall over the edge taking him with her. Just as he knew would happen she started to verbalize with both her voice and her body how close she was to taking them both over the edge. “oooohhhhmmmyyyyyygoooooddDDDDDDDD!” she screamed as her body was hit with wave after wave of earth shattering lightening bolts and she contracted on him the wave like motions of her muscles and her body pushing him further and further towards the point of no return and then pushing him over and he grabbed her hips digging his nails in drawing blood and biting her shoulder to keep himself from competing with her in screaming their mutual release to the gods above.
“Damn” she said as soon as she was able to catch her breath. He taking a moment longer to recover could only nod his head and kiss her shoulder knowing that tomorrow she was going to be sore. Leaning hack he turned on the shower and hoped that it did not come out ice cold as it sometimes tended to do. Knowing he had to but not wanting to he pulled himself slowly out of her groaning because even that after all they had done it still felt good.
He then grabbed her, turned her around, put her under the stream of hot water letting it run down her ass length hair and off to the tiled floor beneath their feet. He ran his fingers through her hair and could not help himself, he nibbled on her bottom lip loving the little sounds she made as he did so. God he loved her body. He then grabbed the soap and bent down to wash up her legs feeling the nice flow of her muscles under her skin as he washed away the sweat and the grime from their earlier love making both loving and hating it at the same time. Hating to wash away the signs of their earlier joy and loving that he is able to do this for her and is able to spend this time just for her knowing that she is enjoying this just as much. He loved watching the bubbles as they ran down the peaks and valleys of her body and then as they swirled down the drain both admiring and envying them for their ability to dance freely down her body. Then once he knew that her body was as pure as the day she came into the world he started to wash her hair. Slowly massaging the roots and working the shampoo into a rich lather loving that she seemed to have lost the ability to keep her eyes open. Knowing that he should stop he could not seem to stop kissing her wanting to feel her tongue as it danced the timeless dance with his not caring that he was getting soap in his eyes.
Leaning back he enjoyed the look of lust in her eyes being slightly amazed that she still had it in her for even a little bit more but at the same time knowing that he had to have just one last taste before dragging her off to his bed for the night. His eyes never leaving hers, his hands fallowing the line of water as it flowed down her body, and he slowly put his mouth on just the spot that he loved so much. Slowly he ran his hands up the back of her legs until he reached the bottom curve of her ass cheeks and then used them to pull her forward opening her even more to his lips and tongue. “Oh god” she cried out under her breath not caring and not knowing if he could hear her and at this moment could really care less knowing that her body was telling him all that he needed to know. Tasting not only her but also the warm water that he could see in his mind and know that only seconds before was flowing over the peaks of her breast made him only all the more entranced as he licked and sucked her most tender area. Finding the little nub that he knew would send her over the edge, knowing that he could cause her to scream he took that nub between his teeth, gently he nibbled and played with her with the tip of his tongue, all the while roughly massaging her ass, and watching the knowing dance that would lead to her screaming her release. Feeling her fingers as she ran them through his hair softly pushing him closer letting him know that what he was doing was right and that she was close. “please” he must be hearing things “please” she begged and true to what she asked he sucked a little bit more knowing now that what he was doing was driving her crazy just as her words alone where driving him. “Please so close” she whispered as her body rocked and rolled to the rhythm of the impending orgasm. “OH GOD” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she used her hands in his hair to hold him in place as not to cause her to lose the high wave of pleasure that she was now riding. Holding his hair did nothing to stop him from moving his tongue sending little lighting bolts up her body causing the wave washed over her over her body.
Just as the wave ended her legs became rubbery and she slid down the wall and sat on the floor with her own version of the Cheshire cat, that only left her face long enough to reach forward, to meet his lips and to suck the taste of herself off of his dancing tongue. Coming up for air they just then noticed that the shower was still on and laughed at that as he reached up and turned the knobs to turn off the water. “Stay here” he said as he kissed her lips and walked out of the room. Sighing she laid back against the shower wall and just smiled to herself at how well this turned out and kicking herself for not doing this earlier. “What the?” she said as she was hit in the face by a warm fluffy towel and she looked over to see him standing in the door way with his own towel wrapped around his waist. “dry off and come to bed” he said as he watched her stand and use the towel to dry of first her hair, then her face, across each of her breasts, down her stomach, and then down her legs, each and every inch wonderful in its own way, every inch agony because it is missing his touch. “Come to bed” he said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bathroom and onto the bed to sleep for the night knowing that both of their bodies needed the sleep to recover. “I’ve missed you” he mumbled as he drifted off to sleep with her in his arms. Smiling she curled herself up and into his warmth and smiled as she saw the all too familiar tattoo on his arm. Yes she had in fact seized the day in her own little way.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Love is a losing game pt 1 m/f anal minor kink *bad grammar and spelling sorry*

Love is a losing game.
By Sar
“I can’t believe I am doing this” she said out loud as she turned the key to turn off her car. “It has been years he might not feel the same.” Oh well too late to back out now and with that she walked to the now open door.
Damn he still looks good. She thought as he pulled her past the front door and kissed her lips with the passions that had been building up for the past few years. “I have missed you little girl” he said between locking the door, taking her by the hand, and leading her into the living room. “Sit” he said as he pushed her back onto the couch. “Gods I have thought of your legs” as he kissed his way up her leg and ran his hand up her other. Now or never, flashed through her head as she started to unbutton the trench coat that covered well her matching bra and panties set that she bought just for this meeting. “Damn” seemed to be the only words that could come from him mouth as he admired the sight lying before him. “I believe you have me at a disadvantage” she replied as she stood to remove the offending coat and placed it on the back of the couch before walking to him still on his knees and ran her hands through his now shorted hair. “I’ve missed you” he said as he used his lips to let her know how much buy laying butterfly kisses on her now stretch mark covered belly as his hands played with the back of her lacey panties and fallowed the line of her nicely rounded ass. He let up only to stand and lift her off the couch leaving her with the only option of wrapping her legs around his waist and walked her into his bedroom where he laid her on the soft but low to the ground bed. He left her arms only to remove his shirt and then he fallowed the path he had remembered only late at night in his restless dreams. Kissing first her lips, her neck, stopping to nibble on the sensitive flesh of her ears, then down her chest to the soft pushed up flesh of her awaiting breast that seemed to call out his name begging for their time in the spot light.
Oh lord it feels so good so right but I must touch him she thought as she prepared to try and get the upper hand by rolling over and having him under her. He must have felt her body shift in preparation to roll over because he then chose to slip the strap of her bra down her pale shoulder and popped her candy colored nipple into his hot waiting mouth throwing all of her plans to take this little walk into heaven over and she gave up with a moan and a grind of her hips letting him know she really enjoyed his efforts. After mere moments he lifted his head and started reaching behind her to attempt to coax the now offending garment into releasing the bounty within only to have her bust out laughing and reach between the valley of flesh and release the front clasp allowing them to fall to their proper resting place. He lifted up as to look at the bountiful feast that lay before him and then as if taking the first bite of a apple he bit into the tender flesh of her breast causing her to come off the bed with pleaser moaning him name in to the darkness of her own fogged out mind and her body with a mind of it’s own replied to his invitation by sending her into the skies above.
“….bring something to change into” he whispered into her ears. “Hum?” Seemed to be the only word she could manage. “Did you bring something to change into?” he asked as he ran his fingers down her stomach. “Yes, but they are in my car” came her reply. “Good” he responded as she felt the cold metal of his pocket knife as it slid up the side of her thigh and the pull of the lace as he cut away the last of her clothing. “Beautiful” he said as he pulled the now useless peace of lace from her body revealing her freshly shaved mound of Venus. “Beautiful” he said again and again rotating between kisses and speaking as he slowly moved down her body. His hands could not control themselves and longed to touch her and tease her as they seemed to dance over every inch of bare skin. He propped himself up on the foot of the bed and took her ankle and lifted her leg towards his mouth and started to nibble on the most tender flesh just to see her reaction. When she shifted her body and moaned her approval barely opening her glazed over eyes to peak a look at what he was doing. “Oh god” she thought and slipped back into the pillow to enjoy the feelings. Slowly as if meaning to drive her out of her mind he worked his way up her inner leg licking, kissing, and nibbling here and there each one it itself lighting a fire that burned like the brightest star in the midnight sky.
As with all good stories there comes an ending, the same goes for her legs and all too soon for him they where done and he came face to face with the honeysuckle that called his name in his sleep for so many nights. “Breath just breath” his mind told him “this is not a cliff to be jumped off if you dive in too hard you might hurt her.” With that he made his mind to make this night last forever. She could feel him but her eyes would not open for she could feel his breath across her junction and that was more teasing then his kisses and nibbles on her legs. Slowly he maneuvers his body to where he is laying chest down between her legs giving him the perfect view point to enjoy what he was about to do to her. Slowly he puckered his lips as to whistle but instead blew a cool wind to the top of her slit down to where she met the bed. As if you behave like a small child he then took one finger and ran it down one side slipping between the outer and inner lips and then up the other side. Then he stuck the finger in his mouth and sucked the juices off like some one sucking on a lollypop.
Gently as if to wait for her reaction he used the tip of his tongue and retraced the line his finger had just fallowed and then as if his tongue had a mind of it’s own it started to dance in little circles all along the area that was once considered forbidden fruit. Using his two fingers he then spread her lips revealing a small button partially covered by a hood, then he used the flat of his tongue to gently lick from the bottom to the top and then with only the tip he teased her and waited for her reaction. Looking up he saw that her chest was rising and falling a bit more then what was normal for even her and he knew that he was doing something right. With a wicked grin on his face he proceeded to probe her opening to see if she was wet. At once finding that she was he pushed two of his fingers as far into her as he could, before he had time to react her body started to do a dance of it’s own and lifted her off the bed and pretty much right into his mouth. Knowing how this dance would go and loving every moment of it he changed his position and used his free hand to push her back down on the bed and started licking her like she was his last chance at life. The mixture of his tongue on her outside and his fingers on her inside seeming to hit some sort of button causing what felt like lightning bolts it was no surprise to her when she could not hold her breath any longer and she started to hear someone screaming in her ear only to find that it was actually her doing it. With each breath in and with each breath out the ball of tightness in side her spin faster and faster until it felt like her whole body was exploding like a fourth of July fireworks display.
Just as it seemed like her body was going to come down from the ceiling she open her eyes and saw his smiling face just as he was pushing himself inside her. “Oh god” he thought as her velvet sleeve in braced his scepter. Wanting this moment to last forever he gave both their bodies’ time to adjust and used this time to explore her mouth. “Hum that’s what I taste like” slipped out of her mouth before she even knew that she was thinking out loud. Looking up she saw the amused look on his face seconds before they both exploded in to laughter and at just the right moment he pulled himself out and as he pushed back in he grabbed her bottom lip with his teeth and sucked it into his mouth swallowing the moan that he knew would try to escape. “Be slow” his mind told him as his body screamed for him to go faster, “too fast and this night will end all too soon.” Slowly he lifted his head from where it had come to rest giving him a moment to glance at the place where their bodies became one and he made up his mind to make sure she never forgot the feeling of being in his bed, that if she ever left his bed again that her body and her heart would cry out for him and only him.
“Slow down any more and I will lose my mind but go any faster and you will shatter me” those word flew through her mind as she felt her own body fully fighting against the intruding member contracting with each push in fighting to keep him out but yet contracting again as he tried to pull out as if to beg him not to go. Even worse was when he would remove him self completely and then wait before intruding again. Suddenly like the snow in the middle of an avalanche, like the volcano she erupted. Screaming to let the presser out and clawing to try to remain earth bound while her body lifted off the bed of it’s own accord leaving him with nothing to do but to hold on to her as she was caught in the grasps of her own orgasm and hope to the saints above that she did not take him over with her it was too soon and he wanted more of this before the sun came to take her from his arms.
Slowly her soul drifted back to earth and allowed her body to do the same and she opened her eyes to look at the face of the man who had sent her to heaven and brought her back down and she wrapped her legs around his still form and connected them behind his back and rested them above what she knew from memory was one of the cutest asses she has ever laid eyes on and let him know she was back by flexing her legs and causing him to jump as she pulled him further inside. “no” he managed to say and he push her back down on the bed and pulled her hands above her head and slammed them into the wall above her with that force that would have normally hurt but in the throws of passion the pain was pushing into the back of her mind for cataloging at a later date, “mine” he seemed to growl as he lifted one of her legs seeming to fold her in half and pushed him self into her like he was going to engulf her body and soul and growled ”Scream for me” and with that he repeated the assault on her nether regions sending shock wave after shockwave into her body not meaning to out right hurt her but just to let her know how much he wanted to own her to be hers to occupy her mind every night and day as she has since the moment he laid eyes on her. Knowing that her silence meant that she was melting beneath him and holding her breath he continued to pound in and out of her body waiting for the creamy sound of her finally cracking and inhaling the bit of much needed air. As soon as this lovely sound happened he dove into her even more pushing into her so hard that with each push she moved further and further up the bed ending with him on his knees and her pent between the wall and his body. Screaming out his name did not help as she seemed to spin wildly out of control not knowing what way was up and what way was down she did the only thing she could at this moment and bit her own lip and tasted blood right before he seemed to engulf her and her lips giving her the only point of reference at the moment and slammed into her with even more energy and passion. “Oh gods he is going to shatter me” was the only thing that could go through her mind before she felt him twitch and even though she could have sworn there was no more of him he seemed to have grown another 2 or 3 inches and put his head down and yelled out in his own release causing her to join him and shattering the world around them.
After their bodies stopped shaking and the world around them came back together like the peaces of a puzzle he managed to fall back and pull her with him to where she was sitting with her legs wrapped around his waist and he was cross-legged underneath her. Some how this moment seemed more intimate then the whole encounter they had just been through. Slowly both working together they remembered how to breath and when that was over he lifted her head with his hand on her chin and kissed her with such passion and caring that it brought tears to her eyes. Remembering something that he had asked of her long ago something that at the time she was not willing to give she whispered a few well chosen words into his ear and watched his face light up like a child on Christmas morning. Slowly she stood up and headed into the bathroom knowing that he would soon fallow, he just had to grab one small but so important thing. With a grin so often compared to the Cheshire cat he came up behind her and pushed her further into the bathroom and forward in to the shower.

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