First time writing erotica. (Feedback appreciated) Cuckold

My High school life has been dreadful. Much worse than middle school. I have always been the quiet, uncool kid no one remembers. But I have been content with that. It was lonely, but at least I wasn’t on the radar of bullies. That all changed in High School when I met John. John is a piss-drinking, loud-mouthed shithead. Well, at least to me anyways. To everyone else he didn’t bully, he was a charismatic and handsome dude with the hottest girlfriends. Yes *girlfriends.* A top basketball prospect, he had first dibs on the girls he wanted. And I didn’t even have one. Scratch that. I haven’t even had my first kis…

“Dick Fatt!!”

There was a collective chuckle in the class.

“Is there a Dick Fatt in this class?” Vice-principal William asked through the partly opened door.


“Yes” I struggled to raise my arm as more laughter swept through the air.

“Good. Come to my office immediately.” Mr. William nodded to our history teacher, then closed the door behind him.