A Family Fewed [FmMD] [anal] [inc] [reluc] [preg]

Once there was a horny young buck who wanted a vagina. Tarquin thought that he was very malleable with his bulging genitalia. Yet whenever he had a venereal disease he would get jellified beyond control.

“Wow! It is so crusty. Why is it so jiggly?” he whimpered playfully. Meanwhile his mother found her knickers in his satchel covered in goey man-juice.

“Oh my, this smells like his floral puckered todger,” she gasped in anticipation. Tentatively, she licked it and gushed appreciatively.

“Mother! What tomfoolery are you up to?”

“Son, I was merely checking your disease with my cunt.” They embraced jovially and Syphillia began to nibble her son’s jelly excretions.

“Oh god, this feels like heaven on wheels. You make my appendages vibrate.” Outside, the father – Denny – was peeking in while thumping his todger aggressively.

“What a beautiful anus he possesses, plump, rigid, bouncing with fervour under piles of jelly excretions. This familial bonding makes my nipples turgid.”

As the pair slowly accelerated into an unrestrained frenzy, the thrusts were reaching new levels of springiness, sending the putrid puss outward and making the mother choke joyously.